Once in a Blue Moon

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Our heroes are still on their way to the Johto League, but today they've stopped
in a pretty little town called Cherrygrove City. It's a perfect day, the sky is clear,
the breeze is warm and Riley is making
sure the everything is right!

Riley: Good everything's here. He said sorting through his bag. Cyndaquil, grab my Pokéballs okay?

Cyndaquil: Quil. (Sure)

Marina: You know, Riley, you've been acting like a much more responsible trainer lately!

Riley: Well yeah. A great Pokémon trainer needs to keep his Pokéballs in good condition.

Marina: You're still my goofy baby brother though.

Jimmy: Hey guys. lunchtime!

Riley: All right! I'm starvin'!

Marina: Ah. There he is. In the water, something was lurking and coming close to the group.

Cyndaquil: Cynda? (What's that) 

Riley: What up? Something the matter Cyndaquil? The fire type points at the water. The Pokémon jumps out of the water.

Riley: That's a Pokémon? Riley pulls out his Pokédex

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Riley: That's a Pokémon? Riley pulls out his Pokédex.

Pokédex: Chinchou, the Angler Pokémon. It shoots positive and negative electricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies.

Marina: A Chinchou, huh? How cute. Chinchou then uses its antennas to grab Riley's Pokéball and swims away.

Riley: Hey, give that back! Riley chases after Chinchou. Cyndaquil, let's go!

Cyndaquil: Cyndaquil! (Right behind you)

Marina: Riley, wait! Marina and Jimmy chase after it. This looks like a job for Croconaw! Come on out! Croconaw materializes. Catch that Chinchou!

Croconaw dives into the water and swims toward Chinchou. Chinchou sees the incoming Water type and starts to worry and fires an Electric attack.

Riley: Was that an Electric attack?! Riley said surprised.

Marina: That was Spark. Chinchou is a Water and Electric type. Croconaw use your Water Gun on it! Croconaw fires, but Chinchou proves its swiftness and dodges the attacks.

Riley: Hold it! Uwah! Suddenly, Riley bumps into something and falls to the ground. Ugh!

Marina: Riley! Seeing this gave Chinchou the chance to escape. Oh, it got away.

Riley: Oww. Riley groaned. He looked in front of him and saw a strange Pokémon sitting down.

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