Fighting Flier With Fire

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Well, they're finally here! After a long trip and more than a few detours our friends have made it to the Violet City Gym!

Jimmy: Man! It feels good being back here.

Marina: I know. It feels kinda nostalgic. What about you Riley? Think you're ready to challenge the gym?

Riley: You bet! I've got the perfect strategy to win.

Jimmy: You sound confident.

Marina: Too confident. Don't underestimate Falkner, Riley. He's really tough.

Jimmy: She's not exaggerating. I had a really hard time getting that first badge.

Riley: I get it. But don't worry guys, I'm sure I'll win that badge.

Marina: If you say so. Marina wasn't so sure for her brother.

Riley: Huh? Riley looked up and spotted something. Hey, what's that? A Pokémon? They all look.

Jimmy: that?

Jimmy: I knew it! It is Falkner!

Riley: He's the gym leader? They head over to the Violet City gym and see the Gym leader talking to some people.

Marina: Hey, Falkner! Marina called out.

Falkner: Well, isn't this a surprise. Jimmy, Marina. It's been a while. What brings you both here?

Marina: We're here for him. She gestured to Riley. This is my little brother, Riley. He's here to challenge your gym.

Falkner: I see. I know you've had a long journey, but you'll have to wait until I'm finished with my first challenger.

Riley: First challenger? Riley looks past him and spots a familiar face. Ah!

Ash: Ah! The two gasp seeing each other.

Riley: Hey, Ash! Never thought I'd run into you here.

Ash: Same to you.

Riley: So you're battling Falkner first?

Ash: That's right.

Riley: Man. And I thought I'd be the first to battle. He said annoyed.

Marina: Now, now. Don't pout. You can wait a little longer. Riley agrees and they all head up in an elevator toward the gym battlefield.

Falkner: This is a little weird, I don't usually make friends with the Pokemon trainers that come here before I have to battle with them. But a match is a match, right? We have to battle hard, friends or not.

Ash: Yeah. Definitely.

Riley: Sure.

Soon, our heroes reach the roof.

Falkner: Well, this is it. Welcome to the Violet Gym! Everyone soon sees a bunch of people waiting for them.

Misty: They must be his cheering section.

Jimmy: Yeah. Those are almost as intense as Falkner.

Marina: You know, you might learn something about Falkner by watching this battle, Riley.

Riley: Mmm-hmm. I hear ya!

Referee: The official Johto League battle between Ash Ketchum, the challenger from Pallet Town, and Falkner, the Violet Gym leader will now begin! At stake is the Zephyr Badge! Each will use three Pokémon! Begin the match when ready!

Ash: I'm ready! And you better be ready, too! Ready to hand over another badge!

Falkner: I wouldn't count on that, my friend. There's a reason I'm the Violet City Gym Leader, you've seen what my flying Pokémon have done for you.... now you're going to see what they do.....To You!Falkner sends out his first Pokémon, Hoothoot.

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