Fear Factor

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After winning his second Johto Gym Battle, Riley and friends decided to take the day off in Azalea Town so their Pokémon can rest.

Riley: Azalea Town sure is nice.

Karen: It certainly is.

Riley: You know what? Let's have the Pokémon take a break too. Come out, everybody! He calls out his Pokémon.

Gligar, Chinchou, Sneasel & Gloom: [Chatter]

Karen: Hold on, where Cyndaquil? Karen asked.

Riley: After that battle against Bugsy, I decided to give Cyndaquil some time to recover back at the Pokémon center.

Karen: What a smart decision.

Riley: Have you seen Marina and Jimmy anywhere?

Karen: They heard about this old man named Kurt. Word is he makes special Pokéball's from Apricorns.

Riley: Wow! That sounds cool. I want a special Pokéball.

???: Toge Togepi!

Riley: Huh? Riley looks down and spots a baby Pokémon.

Karen: Aww

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Karen: Aww. Well aren't you a cutie?

Riley: I think it's a Togepi. Riley pulls out his Pokédex.

Pokédex: Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokémon. The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly. Riley picks it up.

Riley: What are you doing here all by yourself, little buddy?

Togepi: Toge Toge Piiii.

Karen: How precious. Karen tickled Togepi causing it to giggle.

Misty: Togepi! Suddenly, Misty arrived and found Togepi in Riley's hands. Oh, there you are. You had me worried. Togepi happily jumps into Misty's arms. Thanks for finding my Togepi.

Riley: Actually, I think Togepi found me. Wait, don't I know you from somewhere?

Misty: Oh! You're that boy from Violet City. What brings you here?

Riley: A Gym Battle. I just won my second badge.

Misty: That's good to hear. Huh? Misty feels a nudge on her leg and looks to see what it was.

 Huh? Misty feels a nudge on her leg and looks to see what it was

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