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"To Dr Jeff Thanapon!" Lisa said out loud.

"Cheers," everyone said in unison.

I looked around.... "Hmmm, where's Dr Alan?"

"He rarely comes to this kind of things,"Winner said.

"He prefers to be on his own," Way add.

Thats too bad. I was hoping to ask him about the Director.

"How was the operation? Its worth seeing him in action, wouldnt you say?"

"Yes, Way. It was overwhelming."

"Dr Way is also a highly skilled surgeon."

"Oh, I dont know about that Nurse Tul..."

"Aishh...stop being modest!"

"My skills are no match for a very experienced nurse like you..."

"You two seems close. Have you known each other for a long time?" I asked.

"Oh..ever since he was resident."

"So ten years or so?"

Tul covered her mouth with one hand. "Opps, thats a secret. If I told you, you'd know my age."

Way observed Tul's face. "What does that matter? You look beautiful to me."

Tul pushed him away lightly. "Aigoo, this boy kept telling people things like that."

"Geez, Nurse Tul. I have a reputation..."

"Dr Jeff, you have to watch out for him or people will misunderstand."


"Something tells me that the one you really have to worry about is Mr Pantach,"Kris teased. "Right? Mr Pantach?"

"Huh? What are you guys talking about?"

Kenta was busy talking to Winner and Lisa before.

"I hear that you're very popular with the nurses,"Way asked casually.

"No. No way...."

"Oh really huh?" I teased.

Kenta blushed. "You making fun of me!"

"Oh? Are you both.....?"

"We're old friends. From back when we were kids..."

"Is that right?" Way looked at me. "So perhaps this was your fated reunion?"

"Its nothing like that..." I clumsily deny it and reached for my glass....

After a few moment of silence, I called out to Way.


Three peas are lined up in a row in the corner of his plate.

"You dont like peas?"

"I have an allergy," he answered.

"What are you allergic to?"

"Well, its more or less physical and more of a mental allergy,"

Doh, he could have just said that he didnt like it.

"Its not at all a dislike anyway."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"You're laughing at me?"

His eyes grew wide, almost like asking me why am I laughing at him.

"No, I am not..." I lied.

Maybe he's not a bad person....But the more I talked to him, the harder he is to read.

"Well, I know everyone is still enjoying themselves, but its about time we wrap up,"Winner announced.

Just then, the door to the restaurant opens.

"Alan," Way said in surprise.

"Hmm?" I said, turning around and there he was walking over to us.

I thought he didnt come to these things.

Alan walks straight over to me and takes the seat next go mine.

I stared at him, speechless.

He stared back at me.

I should stop gawking at him like a school boy. I know he's handsome but I should restrain myself.

"I really admired your work today in Surgery...." I said to him.

"You're talented..."

Did I hear that right? "Me?"

"And dedicated," Alan adds.

He.....he is complimenting me?

"Th-thank you."

"You just need more experience."


"Alan, want a drink?" Way offered.

"No, thanks. I'm working tomorrow so I'm fine with this."

"Alright then!"Tul said. "Lets get going!"

He came here just to tell me that?"


Outside the restaurant, I thanked everyone for the welcome party.

"Well...we're counting on you," Way said.

"Got it," I said with a smile.

"You'll be great!" Kenta encouraged.

"Thanks Kenta, well... see you tomorrow...."

I break from the group and head toward the main street, alone.

I hailed a taxi and managed to get one.

I was trying to get into it when someone grabs my arm from behind!

"Hey!" I cried out.


"I was pushed inside the taxi.

"What do you think you're....."

"There's something I wanna ask you."

My whole body stiffened.

Impossible....have I already been found out?

I turn around slowly and my assailant was.....

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