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I looked at Alan, my eyes full of condemnation.

But Alan return my gaze, looking straight into my eyes.

What is this? The usual Alan would quickly averts his gaze from mine.

Is he trying to say that he is right?

The door clicks open.

"Oh perfect, the Director was just looking for you two..." Way said with his usual smile. "Umm, did something happen?"

"No...,"I said, my eyes still on him.

Alan broke his gaze, turns to look at Way,"So, the Director.."

"He apparently has something important to say to the both of you.. Would you be able to visit his office?"

"Sure,"I answered.


"Actually, we've received a request from a politician in need of surgery. Matters of health are critical to a politician's career. We need this surgery to go on without a hitch and it has to be performed in absolute secrecy,"Tony said.

"The Director is asking you both to perform this operation together,"Way explain.

"I see..."


Mutual trust is critical during an operation. But I've completely lost my trust in Alan.

I cant imagine us performing the operation together.

"Is everything all right, Dr Jeff?"

"May I decline?"

The Director looked surprised, unhappy that someone actually dared to refuse his request.

"Hey now, whats the meaning of this?"

"Whats going on Dr Jeff?" Way asked, he too was surprised.

"I'm very sorry, I'm flattered that you would select me but...."

"You dont have to do it if you dont want to,"Alan said harshly. "We have plenty of other doctors who can take your place."

I looked at him with my piercing eyes.

"I will select my assistant,"Alan announced.

"Alan, you didnt have to say that..."Way said.

"I dont need people who have no motivation."

"Dr Jeff, what's the meaning of this?" the Director asked.


"Did something happened between you
two?"Way asked concernly.

"No....nothing like that...."I answered.


"Its a problem with me, I feel that...."

Before I can continue, Alan cut me short.

"I've heard enough! You can go now."

I bowed. "I'm very sorry. Please excuse me."

i'm such an idiot....

How I feel its not important....

I am supposed to be on the Tony's good side.

That's what I am here for, I cannot let my emotions get the better of me.

Why did I say those things.....?


I turned around to see Way running over to me.

"I am so sorry, Way."

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