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"He's on TV right now.."

"On TV?"

I toss my phone in a hurry to turn on the TV.

I frantically flip thru the channels.

Suddenly a headline leaps out at me.


"What on earth.."

"Next, Dr Alan spoke on a programme this morning. Let's take a look at his shocking confession, "The announcer declared.

The picture changes.

'The Hope Of Medical Community - Bangkok General Hospital.

Getting to Know the Real Dr Alan Hemmawich'

The title fades, and Alan appears in a studio.

This is that show Alan refused to be in....

"You've accomplished so much at such a young age. Dr Alan tell us. What had been the driving force behind your career?"

"It was.....A mistake I made during a surgery, twelve years ago."

The Interviewer looked shocked but quickly recovered with such a hot piece of news.

"What? I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Alan looks calm as always. "Twelve years ago, I was operating on a patient and I made a mistake during the surgery. I caused that person's death."


"I would like to bring to light for what I've done. And apologize to the family, from the depths of my heart, for the pain, I've caused."

Alan looks directly at the camera and bows deeply.

"What is this?" I asked myself.

With a shaking hand, I pick up my mobile and listen to the voicemail.

"Jeff....I'm going to confess to everything. Its not for you. Its...for me...I just wanted you to know."

For him....

Is this the proof of sincerity that he was talking about?

I didnt punish you, so you're punishing yourself?

"I didnt ask you to do this..."

I entered Alan's number but the call's not going thru. Maybe his mobile is off.

I quickly get dressed and head for the hospital.

Its packed with reporters.

"Sorry, excuse me." I desperately pushed my way thru the throngs of people.

All of a sudden, somebody is pulling my hand.


I continue to be pulled along, and eventually am away from the dense crowd.

The person who was pulling me turns out to be Kenta.

"Why did you come at a time like this?"

Kenta asked in frustration.


"You saw it right? On Tv."

"Yes, thats the reason why I am here."

"Do you even know what you're doing? A mistake twelve years ago. You know he's talking about your mother!"

"The media are going to have a field day if they get wind of the fact that you're the victim's son."

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