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I surprisingly receive a call from Way during the weekend.

What's going on? He said its something to do with the Director...

A black sports car races towards my home and stops in front of me.

The driver's side window opens and Way's face pop out of it.

"I hope you werent waiting long. Hop in."

Inside the car

"I'm sorry. I know its your day off."

"That's all right,"I said.

"The director all of a sudden told me to bring you over."

"He did? So where is he?"

"He's at home."

"Are we going to his home then?"

What's going on? This is a great chance to get inside the Director's home but.....

"The Director holds regular dinners and today's the day."

In other words, a lot of people close to the Director's will be there.

"And why am I?"

"The Director only invites the people who he likes close. It looks like he has taken a liking to you."

"Um...I see..."

"Is that unsatisfactory?"

"Of course not! It's just that I dont see the reason on why he would feel that."

In other words, a lot of people close to the Director's will be there.

"And why am I?"

"The Director only invites the people who he likes close. It looks like he has taken a liking to you."

"Um...I see..."

"Is that unsatisfactory?"

"Of course not! It's just that I dont see the reason on why he would feel that."

"You're an exceptional doctor. Plus it seems like you get along with Alan... I think that's enough reason for the Director to like you."

I look at him with a smile. "You think so? Well, I'm happy to hear it."

"We're here."

So this is the Director's house....

"Please, wait here.I'll park."

I nodded to him.

I look up at the tremendous house.

This mansion and the hospital.

The things he was protecting when he
concealed the surgical error...

Those are things for which my mother.....

"Oh, if this isnt Dr Jeff."

"Nurse Tul..."

The head nurse emerges from the front door.

"So you're here too."

"Oh, I'm just here to help..."

"To help?"

"Proof of his deep trust in you..,"Way said from behind me.

"Ah Dr Way, you both came together, I see. Anyway, please come in, both of you."

My goodness...I didnt know there would be so many people. Are they all his close confidants?

It doesnt look like Alan's here though....

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