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"Dr Alan...?"

"Sir, you okay?" the taxi driver asked concernly.

"I am ok, just drive straight in the mean time," I said.

I looked at Alan and he was staring into me again.



What could it be? What does he want to ask me?

I havent spoken anything to him other than the operation.

"What is it?"

"Its just....."


"Have we met before?"



There's no way he could remember me? It was 12 years ago!

Plus I was just a high school kid back then.

"Why? Why are you asking this out of the blue?"

"I felt like I've seen you before."

Aishh....what should I say?

Think Jeff, think.

"Now that you mention it. I believe its not the first time we've seen each other."


"I saw you when I came for my interview," I lied.


"You probably saw me too."

Somehow, he looked crestfallen.

"I see. I'm sorry for bothering you."

He turned his gaze to the driver. "Stop here please."

"No! Why dont we share the same taxi home? Its already late."

This could be my chance to see where the Director lives.

"No, its okay..."

"Are you going the opposite direction?" I asked.


"Then we're going the same way. Its settled then!"

Alan gave directions to the driver.

"Stop here,"he said.

He paid the amount to his home and then gets out.

"Thank you for coming to the party,"


Alan disappear into his apartment.

The Director lives in a house in Sathon.

So they dont live together....


Its early morning and nobody is at the nurses station.

I am looking at through computer's data, hoping to find my mother's records.

"Misha Aiemkumchai...."

Was it foolish of me to think it'd be here...?

"Good morning Dr Jeff!"

I turn around and saw Winner's smile..

"Good morning to you Winner..."

"You're early. Whose records are you looking for?"

"I thought I'd take a look at the chart for the patient from yesterday."

"So dedicated."

"He's my first patient. I'm concerned."


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