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Since you're bent on dying, don't blame me for doing this!

I tried one more time to thrust the knife down into my enemy.

But my body just won't listen.



Alan sit up slowly. His face touches the knife's blade.

I widen my eyes at his action.

The color on his face unfazed as he slowly removes the knife from my shaking hand and flung it away.

I feel as though all strength has been removed from my body and slump to then ground.

What am I doing?

I've lived for this moment for 12 long years. Its all been for nothing...


I hear his gentle voice calling for me but I didn't respond and started to break down instead.

Alan squad down in front of me and put his arm tightly around my body.

"I'm so sorry. For all the pain I've caused you...."

"You knew..All of it...!" I asked lividly as I wiggle out of his hold. My hands pounding hard on his chest but he refuses to let go and hold on to me.


"And you knew that I wouldn't be able to do it!" I said while sobbing harder.

"No! With everything I knew about you.....I thought that you would definitely do it."

"If you really thought that, why were you so damn calm about it all!?"

"That surprises me too, "he confessed. "I must have been waiting for this. For the day I get my punishment.... When I saw that picture at your home. I immediately knew that it was a picture of Misha Aiemkumchai. I couldn't believe it... I was shocked to find that you're her son. And that coincidences like this happen... but it was no coincidence."

"Thats right. I knew everything, decided to be a doctor. I change my family name and I came to your hospital. I was actually going to get revenge on your father, who made a mistake that killed my mother and covered up the facts of that mistake... That's why I wanted to get close to you. But, the one who committed the error wasn't him."

Alan finally let go of me.

"No, the one who made the mistake is right here. I was a resident."

"You admit it so easily."I said sarcastically.

"Its the truth. I'm not going to deny it now "

"Really huh? For 12 years straight, you hid it!"

Alan looks at me with a regret look.

"Now if you have no intentions of hiding it, then why didn't you tell the truth 12 years back! "

"You're right. I should have, regardless of the consequences. I've always regretted it. The mistake and the cover up. So when I found out who you really were, I wanted to tell you what happened as soon as possible. In the field of flowers."

"So you asked Kenta where it was?"

"But in the end, I didn't even have the courage to take you there. I would look at your face and I couldn't bring myself to tell you...."

"If I told you the truth, I knew you would hate me. Anybody would. But....I didn't wanna lose you.. "

"Stop! I got close to you in order to get revenge! I pretended to over you and worked hard to gain your respect!"

LOVE OR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now