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He's calling about his notebook.

I recalled Alan's words 'To admonish myself'.

So this is what he meant... So that he never forgets the error he committed.

And that's why he was distressed by Ms Ratna's surgery.

Now that I think about it, this explains why Way was so strongly opposed to Alan performing that operation as well.

The phone rang again.

Not again.

But I cant pick it up. If I hear his voice feelings would waver.

I have to take my revenge...on you..

I waited for my phone to stop ringing before I had it turn off.

Why? Why did it have to be Lu Han?

Why did I have to fell for him too?


I got to the office, early in the morning. No one was there.

I wedge Alan's notebook into a stack of documents piled on his desk.

Then by chance, something falls to the floor.

Sleeping pills..

I pick up the medicine and slip one pill into my pocket.

Without realizing it, I find myself heading for the rooftop.

This is where we first kiss.

It happened recently but yet it feels like a long time ago.

I stand in the very spot where it happened.

How ironic...

Who knew that operation would be something that brought us together.

"Dont jump off or anything okay?"


I turn around to see a tall cute man with glasses wearing a white coat.

"Um..?" Who is he? I dont remember meeting such a cute looking doctor with perfect model face...

"I'm Charlie Krittin from Internal Medicine. We havent met right?"

He flashed me a cute smile.

"We havent. I'm Jeff Thanapon from Surgery."

"Ah, so YOU'RE Jeff Thanapon!...,"he said with a look of surprise.


"Our new arrival. Benz speaks of you often,"she explain.

"Oh did he?"

"Yup. He thinks highly of you and it makes me really curious about you. Now, what is this promising new doctor doing up here with a troubled look on his face?"

I cupped my cheeks with both hands."My face.... it didnt...."

Maybe it did...

"Well, if you say so,"he shrugged. "But you had this dark expression on your face that I was afraid you were gonna jump on us."

"I'm sorry....Thanks Dr Charlie."

He smiled. "Charlie's fine. Call me Charlie. Or you can call me Oppa too."

"Okay."I said deadpan.

"I cant help you with any medical issues you're having but you can always talk to me about life, love, food..."


"Dont think too much okay. I've found out that most things resolve themselves after a good night's sleep anyway."

LOVE OR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now