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"Its morning?"

Hmm, something seems off and I look to the side.


Why? How?

Yesterday we were at the bar drinking...then we got into a cab...and then.....

I'm unable to get my eyes in focus before Alan opens his eyes.

He looks at me and smile brightly.

"Morning,"he said and I noticed that he was shirtless.

"G-good morning."

"When I'm next to you, sleeping is so easy..."

Oh no...Alan's face is getting closer and closer.

"Hey, wait!"

Surprised by my own voice, I jumped out of the bed.

Nobody was there, of course.

A dream.....

I blushed as I remembered Alan.

I relaxed and look at the clock.

That's right. I'm meeting Benz at seven in Internal Medicine.

I've gotta get ready...

Yesterday I told Alan I'd perform Ms Ratna's operation, didnt I?"

I stare at the Director's bust from the front entrance.

I wont complain from now on...

I'll show you...

I will succeed at the very operation that when in your hands, stole my mother's life.

I will prove that I have what it takes to get my revenge.

I'm about to enter the office to put down my things when, I hear voices coming from inside the room.

"Why would you do something like that?"

"Asking why wont..."

These voices...they belong to Way and the chief surgeon.

Looks like Way is back from US.

"I will perform Ms Ratna's operation, all right?"

What? Why Way?

"But Alan requested that we wait for him to consider his answer and..."

"Dr Alan should not be on this surgery,"Way said firmly. "Why would you try to assign it to him in the first place?"

"I needed a doctor to take place of the Director as the operating surgeon.l wanted to ask a doctor who could fill his shoes. Anyone would do the same."

"So you say but Dr Alan of all people...There are any number of others you could have asked."

"I understand that and I considered it and judged to be qualified to perform the surgery."

"Qualified? You can say that because you're just an outsider who came here from an affilliated university hospital."

"And what does that mean?" the chief surgeon voice raised.

"It means that there are things about this hospital that only people form this hospital can understand."

What things.....?

"Anyway, I need you to tell Dr Alan as soon as possible to forget that this ever came up."

Way and the others have been protecting Alan.

They dont want him to have any involvement with the operation that his father failed.

LOVE OR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now