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The Director is a forceful man. Maybe he pushed his son into something. And Alan felt that he had to comply...

Seeing how tense the situation is at the moment, Benz tries to calm both of them down. "Now, now P'Alan, dont get so upset. P'Way is just trying to look out for the hospital as a whole, since you're only interested in the patients."

Alan looks away, looking irritated. "Isnt that right, P'Way?"

Way gave his usual smile. "You dont have to bring me into this conversation."

"But I do. This hospital couldn't exist without you. Everyone says so."

I vaguely listen to the three of them, without really listening. My mind races between thoughts.

Ughh...without realizing it, I'm already trying to shield Alan from blame. As in who controlled the cover-up matter's when I now knows that it was him who made the mistake.

I can't be alone with Alan from now on. I'll only be more confused.

They're still discussing the television situation.

Alan told me to wait for him before going home today, but......

I take off my white coat and quietly leave the office.

I exit the hospital and turn on on my cellphone, my usual routine when I leave work.

But what if Alan calls...? I'll keep my phone off.

I turn toward the hospital and look up at it. The building towers over me.

Alan was protecting the hospital, wasnt he?

If he went to such lengths as a cover-up to protect this place, shouldnt he be showing a little more interest in it?

The more I think about it, the less I understand you...

I reached my building, only to find a familiar car parked outside.

Alan's car....

The car door opens.


"I asked you to wait..." His face looking unhappy.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about something and it slipped my mind."

"Get in," he urged as he got out of the car. He stood next to me.

Alan's hand rests on my back.

I instantly backs away at his touch.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head in answer.

"N-nothing's wrong..."

This is the hand that killed my mother. With this hand...

My body is on the verge of trembling, a fact that I desperately try to conceal.

I could easily escape from his touch....But...doing that would compromise my revenge.

"Are you alright?" he asked concernly.


I follow his lead and get into the car.

"Will you go somewhere with me?" he asked while his eyes focusing on the road.


To avoid eye contact, throughout the journey, I look out the window and watch as the world goes by.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"What do you mean?" I feign ignorance.

"Yesterday, you took off."

LOVE OR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now