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I was walking on the street of my apartment.

I have feeling for Alan...

Eversince it happend, I cant get the kiss out of my head.

And he feels the same for me....


"I'm home."

As always, I greet the photo of my mother that sits in the entryway.

In the photo, my mother and I are surrounded by her favourite flower, poppies.

We're smiling.

I had no idea she would be taken away from me soon after.

I know Alan is the son of my enemy.

I look away from the photo.

Falling for the enemy's son, of all people. After the day I swore revenge, I didnt think I'd feel this way about anybody again......

I wonder if Alan is here already?

I stand at the door to the office and looked around.

All of a sudden, Way appeared in front of me

"What wrong? Are you coming in? N-Nothing's wrong...

Act normal Jeff! Its just another day like all the others.

Alan appeared behind him.

"Good morning," he said expressionless as he walk pass us.

"Good morning."I greet back.

Without thinking, I cast my eyes downward upon the unexpected greeting.

I thought Alan would stop for a chat but he just walk away.

"Did something happen again?"Way asked, his eyes looking at me

"What do you mean?"

He rub his chin thoughtfully. "I dunno, it seems like something is off between you two..."

"I guess..,"I whispered that out without thinking, surprising myself.

'Oh? What is it?"

"No, its nothing."

"If there is something, you can talk to me."

"I'm okay, its really nothing. Well, see you later..."

I quickly went inside the office.

Phew...I did it again.

Everyone is going to be suspicious of me soon. I have to stay more focus.

"Begin the procedure for discharging Mr Gulf Kunawat in Room 702."

Nurse Lisa nodded at my instruction.

"Hey, Mr Pantach!"She calls out happily. Her face totally lit up.

"Hi, Nurse. Doctor," Kenta said with his usual smile.

"Hello,"I said back.

Kenta looked at me and his expression was weird.

His mouth seems to be hanging.

He peered at my face closely.


This time his face looks sad. "Um, its nothing."

"Are you captivated by his beauty?" Nurse Lisa said brightly.

"What? Well..umm."

"What's with that? Quit it Nurse Lisa."

"But I was thinking it myself,"Nurse Lisa said, observing my face. "Like, you always look beautiful but today you've got this glow about you....Is it love?"

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