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A/N ~ I hope you liked the story so far. 3 more chapters and the story will finally be completed. Thanks so much for reading..Enjoy

This florist is located near where my mother is buried.

What...this date...


Somebody took rhe receipt away from me. Startled, I look up.

"Alan, that...."

He smiles at me, and then leaves, like nothing happened.

The poppies that have been placed on my mother's grave on every of her death anniversary.

They were from Alan....

I thought to myself as I am walking back to the office.

He's trying to atone for his sins...

I recalled the image of my mother's grave, bright with the beautiful poppies.

How selfish...

If he thinks he did wrong, if he's going to go as far as paying his respect to her every year, why wouldn't he admit to what he did at that time?

Why cover it up like a coward...?

I squeezed my white coat tightly.

Does he think that wipes his conscience clear?

If his regret is so superficial, I'd rather he just play innocent.

"Dr Jeff, do you have a moment?"


Nurse Lisa shows me someone's medical chart.

"Its about this patient. her fever isn't going down."

"I see. Let's try this new prescription."

I jotted it down on the chart and hands it back to her.

"Um.." Nurse Lisa utter after reading it. "I believe this patient has an allergy to certain drugs...."

"What?" I look over the chart again... She's right. I even said it myself that she has an allergy so we need to be careful.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot."

"That's okay. I'm glad I remember it."

I jotted down a new prescription.

"Alright, I'll take this to the pharmacy."

"Thank you."

My eyes meet those of Nurse Tul. She looks worried.

I look away as if nothing happened, and then leave.

I've got to get it together....

At this rate, it look like I'll be the next one to make a mistake and kill a patient...

"Jeff, good timing."

"What's up," I asked.

Way was trying to help Kenta lifting a large box onto Alan's desk.

"What's this?"

"A sample of the product that Dr Alan's looking into," Kenta answered.

"I"m sorry,"Way said again. "Could you move the computer to the corner?"

"Like this?"

"Yes, perfect. Thank you."


*rustle, rustle, rustle*

Kenta accidentally knocked down a small box on Alan's desk and its content scatter everywhere.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

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