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"You again?"

I rolled my eyes. "Geez. And I was thinking, here you are again."

He doesnt look too happy to see me.

"Are you here by yourself?"

"Whenever I try to spend some time by myself, there you are."

"I'm sorry,"

Well, why am I sorry? What should I be sorry for? Its not as if I am stalking him. I must be crazy!

Alan quickly downs his entire glass of whiskey.

"One more please."

"Coming right up!"

It looks like he's been drinking for a while. Is he going to be alright?

'What?"he asked in irrate.

"I just didnt think you were much of a drinker. Did something happen?"

"There are times when even I want a drink,"

"Its just unexpected."


"You're such a strong person. I didnt think you'd look to drink for borrowed strength."

"Strong huh..."he said in sarcasm.

He gave a slight laugh.

"I'm just a regular guy. I have the same feelings as anyone else."

"Yeah, you're right."

"What about you? Why are you here?"

"Actually I feel like I could use a drink tonight."

I was just thinking how it was a good thing that I didnt find him earlier.

But now, I'm glad I did.

The bartender places a glass in front of Alan and then looks over at me.

"Would you like to be seated together?'


I'd like to sit next to him and talk but he'd probably be annoyed.

Not knowing what to say, I look at Alan.

"Whatever you like," he said.

"In that case, yes please."

Now here's an unexpected development.

It seems his guard is down for today, more than usual.

Maybe because he's drinking.

I sat next to him and ordered a martini.

What should I talk about...I cant confide in him about my current worries...

I'd like to know why he's drinking so much.

But I should start with something harmless.


I look at him, surprised.

Now this is unusual... Alan's starting a conversation.

"You'll do good at the surgery. There's nothing exceptional about your surgical skills but you're careful and precise."


"You shouldnt be choosy, just be active. Attempt every surgery as you can."

Is he referring to Ms Ratna's surgery?

"Dr Alan...Why?"

"There is no need to be so formal. Just call my name. Why what?"

"It been on my mind. I've never heard you hesitating to perform an operation before so why now?"

LOVE OR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now