Spanish Test

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For the past month, I had been repeatedly revising for this one test. I had worked with most of the team to practice and I had pulled a lot of all-nighters to cram in all of the information.

What was it all for? Spanish.

I had never gotten above a 'D' in Spanish and it wasn't that big of a deal until I moved in with Buck and Eddie. They were both fluent in the language, since Eddie had Mexican roots and Buck had learnt it for his boyfriend. Even Chris had begun learning it, picking up a few phrases and words he could say.

So, I always felt embarrassed when I had to show them my report card or my test score. Eddie always offered to help me, which I accepted on some occasions, but I never quite got the hang of it. It was hard for Eddie to teach too, since he had always been fluent in it.

We had stopped the lessons when Eddie realised how frustrated I got during them. Buck offered too, but I shut it down. I didn't want to get frustrated with them over something so trivial.

But, when I got an email saying I had to arrive at school for a Spanish test- I knew I wanted to do well. Buck and Eddie always mention how they're proud of me, simply for being me, and whilst it was nice I wanted them to be proud of something I actually do.

So, I studied hard for the test.

Within a month, I had practiced with every single person in the fire family except for Eddie. I mainly wanted to surprise him because speaking Spanish was an important part of Eddie, so it was important for me to learn it too.

The entire team had been more than happy to listen to me study or ramble on about the test. I had pulled at least three all-nighters a week just to really cram it into my head.

Even when I was working at the firehouse, I'd be studying on the side. Although, my textbook did have a coffee stain on it now. Nobody mentioned it to Eddie and I had managed to hide my lack of sleep from him.

It was all for this moment.

A week after I had taken the test, I was now holding the papers in my hand. It was crumpled in my hand from how hard I was gripping it, but I couldn't help but stare at the red letter.


Never had I gotten over a 'D' and now look at me! The teacher had even said I wasn't far off an 'A' too, which is astonishing. Before Buck and Eddie, I didn't even think getting an 'A' was possible for someone like me.

But that didn't matter now.

My heart thudded harshly in my chest as I ran from my school. I knew the route like the back of my hand and I ducked through alleyways to hurry along.

Everyone was on shift today and I had picked up my results before I had to work. I wasn't meant to start for another hour, but I didn't care.

Cars honked at me as I narrowly avoided them, far too excited to think about road safety. The familiar building came into view as I saw the firetruck pull in to the station. They had barely left the vehicle when I crashed into Eddie's side.

"Woah- Coop? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Eddie immediately took my rushing for panicking. I vibrated with energy as he began checking me for injury, even moving my head to the side.

"Eddie I'm fine! Stop!" I whined, batting his hands away with the paper.

The team all laughed and Buck grinned as he spotted the item in my hand, "Is that the results?" He questioned. I nodded excitedly, whilst everyone circled round to hear the news.

"The results? Results for what?" Eddie chimed in confusion.

With a sudden nervousness, I slowly extended the papers towards him and shuffled in my spot. I waited with bated breath as he looked over the sheet, flicking through the different questions and trying to figure out what he was looking at.

"Is this a Spanish test?" I nodded shyly, "You got a 'B'? Blue, that's amazing!" He cheered.

The firefighter scooped me up into a hug and I grinned as I buried my face into his chest. Everyone laughed around us as Eddie began bragging about my grade to them, "Look how smart my kid is!" He joked.

The sentence made me melt in his arms as I couldn't fight the smile on my face. Eddie noticed this and ruffled my hair softly.

"Estoy tan orgulloso de ti." He insisted and I swiped at the small bit of moisture gathering at the bottom of my eyes. I muttered a 'thank you' in Spanish and moved away to let the others congratulate me.

Chim pulled me into a headlock, "Guess all that studying paid off, huh? I think I learned it too from how much you were chatting our ears off." He teased and I rolled my eyes as I pushed him off.

"Wait, you studied with him?" Eddie questioned as we walked upstairs.

The others all explained to him how I'd spent the last month asking for help and using them to learn the language better. I could see a small bit of hurt in his expression and I rushed to remedy it.

"Queria sorprenderte." I mumbled shyly, trying to show him how much I had truly learnt.

Eddie's expression turned to pride as he pulled me in for another hug. "Can we stop talking in Spanish? I have no idea what you just said." Chim piped up and I blew a raspberry at him.

If it took this long to learn the language, then I'm definitely not giving it up. Besides, I liked to see the joy on Eddie and Buck's faces when I tried to speak.

"Well done, Azul." Buck leaned over and whispered, making a smile spread across my face.  The Spanish term for my nickname made it feel even more special and I made sure to hug him in thanks.

I helped Bobby start making some lunch as Eddie tested how far my knowledge of Spanish reached. The entire shift was spent with random sentences in Spanish, which I managed to match pretty well.

It was even better when Chim silently screamed every time he didn't understand something.

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