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It was no surprise to anyone that Buck and I had slight issues when it came to touch. Some days we'd be craving any form of physical contact and act like we're completely touch starved. Other days, we'd hate even the slightest brush of skin against our hands.

But, it was a rollercoaster we rode together, which always helped.

Since I had been living with the Buckley-Diaz family, Buck and I had almost synced up. It made it easier for the team, especially Eddie, when we were both feeling the same way.

There was something nice about knowing that when I needed touch, so did Buck, and when I couldn't stand it, Buck couldn't either. The team liked to tease us about us being two of the same. Luckily for me, Buck felt the same way too.

Which is why today was not going to be good.

From the moment I woke up, I knew I wasn't feeling right. I can usually tell what kind of mindset I'm in as soon as I get out of bed.

I brushed it off easily, instead choosing to get ready before going downstairs to meet the others. Today was a long-shift day and if I was lucky, Bobby would let me work the entire time.

Sometimes he insisted that interns shouldn't work that much, but I hung around the firehouse on my days off anyway.

"Hey Coop!" Chris greeted as I left my bedroom.

I smiled as he walked towards me, feeling his head crash into my chest. A shiver ran down my spine, but I still ruffled his hair softly.

"Morning Chris." I murmured.

Even though Eddie had told me it was fine, I always felt guilty for stopping Chris from hugging me. Normally I just sucked it up and pretended I was having a good day.

We shuffled downstairs and I let Chris go first, since he had to leave for school. "Morning kiddos." Eddie grinned, glancing up from his phone.

Buck was currently cooking food and Carla was sat at the table, obviously waiting for Chris. I waved when she greeted me and moved to the fridge to grab the carton of apple juice.

We waved goodbye to Chris and Carla, before Eddie moved back into the kitchen and wrapped an arm around Buck's waist. The younger sank into the warm touch and I paused from where I was pouring my drink.

"You're in a touchy mood today?" I asked, feeling a lump grow in my throat.

They both turned their heads and Eddie moved away from Buck to ruffle my hair with a smile. Of course, Eddie loved it when Buck needed some physical contact. I edged away from the hand, wincing when the pair frowned with worry.

"Buck is, yes. Which normally means you are too, no?" Eddie asked hesitantly.

I took a sip of my drink to swallow the lump in my throat. "Normally yes. But I'm not today, the opposite in fact." I explained.

We all shared looks of surprise. This hadn't happened in months and we hadn't been expecting it. Buck and I always helped each other out on these days. What was I supposed to do?

"That's okay. We shouldn't have assumed you both would always be synced up." Eddie stated, always the mediator.

Buck was staring at me with a conflicted expression, but simply nodded at Eddie's statement. "I-I can change. There'll be another day for this." I argued.

The pair immediately shook their heads. "Blue, we both know this isn't something you pick and choose. Don't worry, okay? It's no biggie." Buck finally spoke up, although he looked unsure too.

It didn't take long for us to lock up and get out to the car. Eddie and Buck easily carried on like everything was normal, meanwhile I was struggling to stay relaxed.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now