Welcome Back

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A sigh of relief left my lips as I made it out of the airport, pulling on my hoodie as the LA winter cold nipped at my skin. It was good to be home.

My phone began ringing immediately and I rolled my eyes at the contact.

"TK, I'm fine! The plane didn't crash." I stated, knowing the man had been worrying my whole journey home.

I could hear the rest of the 126 team laughing in the background, "It's not my fault you didn't tell any of your family you were flying home today. If I don't worry, who will?" He replied and I grinned at the thought of everyone back in Texas.

When I turned eighteen, I had immediately enrolled into the firefighter academy. I did some training in the academy headquarters, then the Chief wanted the rest of my training to take place in an actual firehouse.

Many of my other academy classmates knew I had come from the 118. I lost track of the amount of times I was accused of favouritism or that my parents got me into the academy.

So, I decided to train at a different firehouse.

Buck and Eddie had taken it pretty hard and we had argued more during that time than ever. Chim and Hen were just sad to see me go for a while, whilst Bobby was as understanding as ever.

But it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Bobby had called Owen and asked if they'd take me in for the length of my training. Thus, how I gained a second family.

TK and Carlos had let me stay with them for the year I was out in Texas, even if I had decided to stay for an extra month after my training had finished.

The 118 had been asking me for the last two months when I'd be home, despite my interest in staying with the 126. But, I knew my home was here in LA.

So, what better than to surprise them?

"TK, the kid's not even listening." Owen stated, making me snap out of my stupor.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be working?" I asked cheekily, walking outside.

I stuck my hand out for a taxi, "Don't pretend you don't miss us, Junior." Marjan teased.

The perks of being the youngest firefighter in the station included the team finding every kind of nickname to relate to a young person. No wonder I settled so quickly there.

"I told you I'd be back soon, didn't I? Thinking about coming for a little holiday." I promised, giving the driver the directions to the firehouse.

TK was muttering something in the background before the phone rustled as it changed hands. "You just focus on settling back in LA, you hear me?" Owen cut in, as fatherly as ever.

A small smile breached my lips, "You got it, Cap 2.0." I stated, hearing the laughter the other side.

Owen was not happy the first time he heard me refer to him as 'Cap 2.0'. It had gotten me into a spot of trouble early on, but we had ironed it out since then. Now, it's a little inside joke with the team.

Besides, Owen didn't take it to heart when he found out my history with the 118. Bobby would always be my first Captain and the one who changed my life, so Owen happily settled for 2.0.

The familiar sound of the bell sounded through the phone and I felt a pang of sadness hit my chest. I was really going to miss working with those guys.

"Bye kid!"

"See ya, Coop!"

"Text me when you get to the firehouse!"

They all said their goodbyes and I reciprocated, rolling my eyes at TK's worrying. He was just as bad as Buck and Eddie sometimes.

I slid my phone into my pocket, glancing out the window just in time to see the police car turn its lights on.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now