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Everyone on the team knew about my past in illegal fighting, after Andrea so kindly let it slip. At the time, nobody had questioned it. I should've known better than to think they'd drop the subject completely.

My phone buzzed on the counter beside me, making me look up from the coffees I was making.

"Hello?" I greeted, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Ah Cooper, it's been a while. How have you been?" The voice sent a shiver down my spine as I almost dropped the mug full of coffee.

It spilt out the sides and I hurried to place it down, hissing at the burn on my hand. "Jerry? Why are you calling me?" I rushed out, reaching over to press a damp towel to my hand.

"Someone tells me that you're working in a fire station, that true?" He ignored my question and I cringed at his dark tone of voice.

"Yes Jerry it's true. Now what the hell do you want?" I snapped, looking around to make sure nobody was around to hear me.

He laughed cruelly down the phone, "I'd watch your tone boy. Don't forget who helped you get all that money, eh?" He snarled and I bit my tongue to refrain from snapping again.

"I understand, Jerry. You know I don't mean it like that, I was just caught off guard that's all." I backtracked. It's a losing battle arguing with Jerry, especially when I still owed him a favour or two.

My head rested on the counter below as I allowed the coolness to keep me calm. "That's what I thought. Now, I've got a fight coming up and I need you to-" I choked in shock.

"Wait Jerry, I told you I wasn't doing that anymore. No- I can't, you know this." I exclaimed, nothing but panic in my voice.

The sound of footsteps in the background made me look up, only to see the team returning from their call. Immediately, they looked over with worried expressions and gathered around the kitchen. Buck and Eddie were by my side straight away, making me annoyed at how well they knew me.

"Cooper, you know you owe me a favour. This fight pays big and it's my chance to finally get my final pay check and disappear. You fight for me for one last time and you'll never hear from me again, understand?" Jerry explained.

Why did I ever go to this jerk in the first place?

Bobby shooed everyone away to give me privacy, but they didn't retreat further than the dining table. I sent them a fake smile, trying to settle the atmosphere slightly.

"I think now is a bad time. Just.. Give me some time to think, okay?" I asked, tapping my fingers on the counter anxiously.

Jerry hummed an unappreciative noise and I heard him shuffling some papers in the background. "The fight is in two days. I'll call you tomorrow, don't let me down kid." He stated before ending the call.

Buck was the first person to get to me after I put the phone down, planting his hands on either side of my face and trying to study what was wrong.

"Buck I'm okay." I mumbled, waiting until he pulled his hands away.

Eddie swooped in next, looking down at me with worry. "Who was on the phone and why did they stress you out?" He questioned fiercely and I couldn't help the small smile at my team's protectiveness.

"Remember when Andrea mentioned I used to fight for money?" They nodded, grimacing too at the thought. "Well, that was the guy who used to arrange fights for me. I owe him a favour and he wants to cash it in for one more fight." I explained.

I glanced at the others, seeing a range of anger form on their faces. "Who is he? I swear to god, I'll-" Bobby gently hushed Buck. The others seemed to agree with Buck, despite the captain trying to keep everyone calm.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now