Old Friends

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"Coop, you joining us today?" Hen questioned as she passed me a glass of water.

I thanked her and sipped at it, thinking over the question. "Bobby, how much paperwork do I have?" I looked over at the captain.

He laughed slightly, "You already handed everything in for this week, remember? You have chores around the firehouse, but they can be done when we get back." Bobby explained.

I cheered in victory, hitting my hand against Hen's when she raised it. "What's the celebration for?" Eddie asked as he reached the top of the stairs.

"Bobby said I could ride along today." I answered, grinning when he ruffled my hair. I had gone out on calls with the team more often now, since the Chief also thought it was a good idea.

Of course, Bobby was more than happy for me to tag along.

It wasn't a busy day today, hence the lack of calls so far this morning. So, I was excited when the bell began ringing throughout the firehouse.

We all clambered into the truck and I took my seat beside Eddie. The headset sat snuggly on my head like it had so many times before and I batted the hand that tried to fix my hair.

"We've got a call into a school. A kid has his head stuck in a tuba and another is stuck on the rafters above their theatre stage." Bobby explained to the team as we drove to the destination.

I couldn't help the small laugh leaving my lips, imagining all of the stupid teenage things I had seen others do at school.

Buck raised an eyebrow as his attempt to tell me off, "Sorry Dad." I muttered, fighting the smile off my face. He couldn't help but smile too, even if he had tried to stop me laughing at a serious matter.

When we pulled up at the school, I couldn't help but let out a huff. "Hey, this is Coop's school." Buck pointed out unhelpfully. The others looked around at me with interest and I shook my head.

"Well this is going to suck." I grumbled as I followed them out of the truck. The last thing I wanted was all my former classmates staring at me and whispering.

Sure, I attended school some of the time. But, I exclusively went to the guidance counsellor's office to talk about my progress and get updates from my teachers. I normally avoided everyone whilst they were in class.

I followed the team in, carrying one of their medical bags on my shoulder. Chim always let me carry it since he knew I liked being helpful.

A teacher greeted us at the door, ushering us towards the auditorium. Turns out, there was a school talent show going on. One of the kid's talents was accepting dares from his friends, which is how he ended up on top of the rafters.

The other kid had just been trying to get something out of his tuba and, upon looking inside, got his head stuck. It was a mystery how they lasted this long.

My hands fisted the bottom of my hoodie as I glanced down at the badge stitched to the left side. I was a part of this team. I will be fine.

We entered the auditorium and immediately made our way past the crowd. The kid on the rafters was easily spotted and so was the fear painted on his expression.

"How stable are those planks?" Bobby questioned the teacher.

I already knew they were definitely not safety regulation. "They've been banned from use for a few years now. I don't think it would be able to take the weight of a fully grown adult." The teacher replied honestly.

Buck and Eddie had the harness and ropes in their hand, but it wasn't clear how exactly they were going to be able to get the kid without walking across the rafters.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now