Family Sticks Together

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Being a firefighter was dangerous.

I knew that from the first moment I joined as an intern. I knew that when I first began to trust the team. I definitely knew it when they all ended up in the hospital.

Now I definitely knew it.

Hen and Chim were the only ones to return to the station after the call. I walked up to them, glancing into the back of the truck to see where the others were.

"What's going on?" I questioned, knowing something wasn't right.

They glanced at each other and Hen gently rested a hand on my shoulder. "There was an accident on the call. The roof collapsed when Buck and Eddie were still in the building." She explained, obviously still upset herself.

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. "Are they okay? Where are they?" I questioned and Chim raised his hands in an attempt to calm me down.

"They were breathing and their heart rates were stable when they left the scene. Bobby went with them to the hospital, but we won't know anymore until we get there." Chim explained and I nodded.

"I-I've got to pick up Chris. He's at school." I stated, feeling slightly breathless at the worst thoughts came to mind.

The pair followed me as I rushed to the locker room, grabbing my own bag before I found Buck's and Eddie's.

"We'll drive you-"

"It's fine. Buck said I could drive his jeep if there was an emergency. I've got my license on me." I explained, not even blinking as I rushed past them again.

The pair tried to stop me but it felt like someone had stuffed cotton wool in my ears. My hands searched for the keys in Buck's bag and I almost dropped everything in my panic.

I opened the car, throwing everything in the back before I clambered inside. Hen and Chim were talking to me through the window, gesturing in a stressed manner.

The car pulled forward and I didn't even look in their direction as I sped off.

Buck and Eddie had been teaching me how to drive for a several months now and they said I had been getting pretty good. My license was in my bag, so I know that I'd be fine if an officer decided to pull me over.

My foot was slightly heavy on the throttle as I weaved in and out the traffic, knowing I had to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Chris didn't technically finish for another hour, but I know he'd want me to pick him up. I'd want the same if I was in his shoes.

The school car park was quiet, a big contrast to the sound of the engine as I pulled up outside the entrance. I didn't bother trying to park the car properly, instead locking the car as I ran inside.

"Excuse me-" A teacher scolded as I accidentally knocked into them in my haste.

I called out an apology as I carried on running, panting when I finally reached Chris' classroom. His teacher had met me before and often saw me with Buck and Eddie.

But that didn't mean she wasn't surprised when I stumbled into her classroom. "Cooper? What are you doing here?" She questioned, catching the attention of Chris who was doing his work across the room.

I moved over to her, leaning close so the kids didn't hear me. "Buck and Eddie are in the hospital. I'm on my way there now, but I wanted to grab Chris first." I whispered.

Her eyes lit up in worry as she told Chris to go grab his things. She rested a hand on my shoulder before I could turn away, "Are you two going to be okay?" She asked.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now