Girls Night

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"Cooper!" Eddie yelled and I poked my head out of my room, spotting the man at the bottom of the stairs.

"What's up?" I asked.

The pair were getting ready to leave for guys night with Chim, Bobby and some others from the station. I had been trusted to stay home alone, but Chris had to stay at his Abuela's.

I jogged downstairs and Eddie wrapped an arm around my shoulders, gesturing to the group in the living room.

Apparently, I hadn't heard the team enter the house. Chim and Bobby were sat on the sofa as Buck was finishing getting dressed upstairs. But that wasn't too surprising.

The more surprising part was Athena and Maddie stood in front of the guys. "Aren't you two supposed to be at girl's night?" I asked, knowing that they had all planned separate nights for fun.

"Well about that.. Karen is ill and can't come, but we already paid for the a certain amount of people. So, we thought we'd invite someone else instead." Maddie explained.

I looked around at the team's smirks and blinked in confusion. Eddie laughed and jostled my shoulder, "They're inviting you, Coop." He stated. My mouth fell open in surprise.

"Are you sure? I'm not a girl." I stated, causing everyone to laugh.

"We know you're not, don't worry. We'd love to have you join us tonight, we've got a couple activities and a nice dinner. A relaxing night." Athena explained and I looked down at my pyjama bottoms and old t-shirt.

"I should probably change." I muttered shyly, running up the stairs when Eddie nudged me.

I made it to my room and dug through my wardrobe, trying to find something presentable. Fortunately, Buck and Eddie had taken me clothes shopping soon after they moved me in.

Buck entered my room as I searched for clothes, laughing as I rushed around. "Out!" I yelled, stripping my t-shirt and throwing it as his face. He grumbled jokingly, closing the door behind him as he left.

I pulled a black polo shirt on and some light blue, baggy jeans. That would be okay, right?

I snuck into Eddie and Buck's room, gently taking Eddie's aftershave to spray myself with. He let me borrow it for special occasions since he knew how much I liked the smell and this surely counted as a special occasion.

Everyone was patiently waiting to go when I stumbled downstairs, almost tripping over in my haste. We all chuckled and Athena moved to wrap an arm around my shoulders, "We'll be going now boys. Hen's meeting us at the place." She explained.

We said our goodbyes and I ducked out from Athena's arm to hug my parents. They both squeezed me tightly, wishing me a night of fun. A grin had settled on my face as I let Athena lead us out to Maddie's car.

"Where are we going first?" I asked, climbing into the backseat.

Maddie and Athena shared a look, then glanced back at me. "Well that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?" Maddie teased and I rolled my eyes playfully. I let them have their secrets, knowing they'd probably be doing something fun anyways.

There was a small part of me that worried I was intruding, but I had to remind myself that they invited me themselves. Or at least Maddie and Athena did.

"Is Hen okay with this? Did you ask her?" I questioned, my thoughts running free.

Athena reached back and patted my knee calmly, "Hen was the first person to suggest you joining us. Now relax, the point of girl's night is to relax and have fun." She ordered and I smirked lightly.

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