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My throat burned as I heaved into the toilet bowl, feeling my entire body shiver pathetically.

Buck and Eddie had already gone into work this morning and Chris was at school, which meant nobody was at home. I had ten minutes to pull myself together and leave for work. Even though the idea of moving seemed harder and harder by the second.

I had been throwing up since I woke up an hour ago. My entire body felt cold as I shivered, accompanied by a constant dizziness and a growing headache. I hadn't been this sick in a long time and last time I had, my foster carers had told me to suck it up.

Once I was sure I could hold back the rest of my vomit, I flushed the toilet and pulled myself into a wobbly standing position. I didn't have anything left in my stomach, so I was hopeful that the vomiting would stop long enough for me to get to work.

With a deep breath and a quick splash of water, I moved back to my bedroom and changed my clothes. I didn't have time for a shower, which felt disgusting considering my current state, but I didn't have much choice.

The t-shirt felt uncomfortable and my shorts weren't much better, making me shiver at the feeling against my skin.

As a small comfort, I invaded Buck and Eddie's room to steal one of Eddie's hoodies. His LAFD one was still in his room, so I snatched at it and pulled it over my head. The smell of Eddie's cologne gave me some comfort and made the bile in my throat die down slightly.

I grabbed my things and headed for the door, knowing that if I didn't leave now I'd never make it to the firehouse on time. My dizziness was not helping my ability to walk straight or quickly.

Carefully, I made my way down the driveway and started the long walk to the firehouse. Well, it wasn't that long of a walk usually. Today it was not going to be fun.

Each step I took sent a jolt through my entire body, making my shivers worse. Hopefully everyone would be on a call when I arrived, since I know they would worry over me in this state.

It wasn't even that bad, I had made it outside hadn't I?

Plus, by the time I made it to the firehouse, I had only dry heaved in an alleyway once. That seemed better than the rest of the morning.

The firehouse was pretty empty when I arrived and I thanked my luck that the team were out on a call. Some of the other firefighters didn't blink an eye at me, which made me think I was playing it off pretty well.

I half-crawled up the stairs, being mindful of my dizziness and not wanting to add a broken leg to my list of symptoms.

A small stack of paperwork was ready for me on the table, beside a small cup of hot chocolate. Whilst the sweet drink was usually appreciated, the sickly smell made my stomach cramp uncomfortably. Maybe I should leave that for today.

Instead, I scooped up the papers and grabbed a pen before curling up on the sofas. Eddie's hoodie wrapped around me softly and I wedged myself into the corner, relishing in the secure feeling.

I grabbed the first paper off the pile, blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear my vision. It didn't work quite as well as I wanted it to.

A harsh cough left my lips, making my throat flare up in pain once again. I sucked in a small breath and pulled the hood over my head before resting it against the back of the sofa.

The papers could wait a minute, right? Just until I could concentrate better.

My eyes slipped closed on their own accord and I tried not to berate myself for taking a break. Bobby always tells me I need to keep my energy up by taking breaks, so I was simply taking his advice.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now