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"Cooper! Can I come in?" I groaned at the voice, burying my head deeper into my pillow.

May opened the door anyway, strolling into my bedroom like she owned the place. "Buck was not kidding when he said it was bad." She whistled and I couldn't be bothered to lift my head in response.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, the pillow muffling my voice.

She sat down on my bed beside me, "Buck and Eddie were worried before they left for work. So, they called me and asked if I could make sure you actually made it to work today." I flinched at her finger prodding my side, batting it away softly.

"I'm fine, May. I don't feel like work today." I replied, rolling over so I could actually see her face.

May's face was screwed up in concern, obviously catching the first glimpse of my state. I really did just want to stay in bed all day. Unfortunately for me, I had a very worrisome family.

"Since your first day at the firehouse, you have never missed a shift. You helped me when my ex dumped me, now it's my turn to help you." She insisted, taking away my covers.

I tugged the quilt back over me, glaring when it was taken away again. "Your ex was a douchebag." I snipped.

"So is yours. You found out last night that she had been cheating on you." My frown deepened at the reminder and I noticed the slight regret in May's expression.

"We almost made it to a year." I mumbled sorrowfully.

The breakup had been hard. It was still fresh from last night, when I had gone over to her house and caught her making out with some random guy. Apparently, he was on the baseball team at my old school.

We had argued for over an hour and, ultimately, I had left before I did something I'd regret. My phone had been buzzing all night, but I didn't have the energy to respond to her texts.

"Go have a shower and get ready. I'll make us some breakfast." May insisted softly, tugging on my arm until I eventually stood up.

I caught her wrist before she could leave, "Thanks May." I whispered, a faint smile on my face.

Nothing more was said as she left the room, whilst I got ready for my shift. May was right, I hadn't missed a single day of work since I got the internship. I'd regret not going, even if I felt like I wanted the Earth to swallow me up.

Buck, Eddie and Chris already knew about the breakup. They were watching a movie on the sofa when I got home and it took one look at me for them to know something was wrong.

I essentially gave them the short version of what happened, then locked myself in my room for the rest of the night. Even this morning, I avoided leaving my room as I listened to them all get ready for work and school.

Once I was in my uniform, I jogged downstairs and sighed in relief at the bowl of cereal and glass of juice on the table. "I haven't quite picked up Bobby's cooking skills yet." May joked and I let out a small laugh.

"It's all I need. Thank you." I stated, knowing I wouldn't be able to stomach much more than that.

We ate in relative silence, only mumbling a few words through breakfast. I grabbed Buck's keys from the table, noting how he had left them for me on purpose.

"Do you want me to drop you home?" I asked as we made our way out to the jeep.

I held May's door open for her, then jogged over to my side. "No, mom's picking me up from the station in an hour. Thought I could keep you company while the team is out on calls." She explained.

A small smile lifted my spirits, appreciating how much May was going out her way for me. It's been a long time since I've had such a good friendship with somebody.

May rambled on about prom to me, since it was coming up in a couple months. The topic left me a little sour, since I had been planning on going with my girlfriend. Clearly, that wasn't happening now.

"And you're totally coming dress shopping with me." She stated as I groaned.

"Why me? Wouldn't Athena know more?" I argued, glancing over at her wide grin.

"Of course she would, but I want to surprise her. Besides, it's your job as my bff." I rolled my eyes, feeling my lips tug up into a soft smile.

We pulled into the firehouse soon after and I felt the feelings from last night hit me all over again. There was no doubt in my mind that Buck and Eddie had told the others.

I already knew some of the comments I'd get. 'You're still young', 'There'll be other girls' and whatever else. It doesn't matter how young I am, I know I loved the girl. Now, I wasn't sure what to do with myself.

A knuckle tapped against the side of my head, making me look at May sharply. "I can hear your brain ticking away. Let's go." She ordered, hopping out the car,

I followed easily, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. May slung her arm over my shoulder and I huffed out a laugh, gently nudging my elbow into her stomach.

It felt nice to have a friend look out for me. A different feeling to the team, that's for sure.

The team were all downstairs, stood beside the firetrucks and discussing something. They caught sight of us quickly and I wasn't surprised to see the pity in their eyes.

May walked over to greet Bobby with a hug, meanwhile Buck and Eddie sidled over. They pulled me into a tight embrace and I sighed, squeezing them back.

"Sorry I worried you." I whispered.

Eddie ruffled my hair and Buck squeezed my shoulder, letting me know neither of them had any hard feelings about it.

Chim appeared out of nowhere, pulling me into a tight headlock and dragging me around. The team all chuckled as I wrestled him back. I played along, knowing he was only trying to cheer me up.

Thankfully, Hen came to my rescue as she batted her friend's chest. I sucked in a breath when he let go, shaking the tension from my shoulders.

"Let us know if you need anything Coop." Hen advised, smiling from my left.

I nodded slightly, pulling a confused face. "You're not going to tell me I'm being dramatic? Or that I'm young enough to find someone else?" I questioned sceptically.

They all shrugged. "You don't have to be an adult to know what love is. Deal with it however you want, but remember we're here to help you out." Bobby stated, always the wise one.

I bit down on my tongue to prevent the tears blurring my vision and instead whispered my thanks.

They all split off soon after, needing to get some jobs done in between calls. May shuffled over and linked her arm with mine, looking around the large building.

"Do you know where Bobby's office is? I'm curious." I let out the first genuine laugh all day.

"Come on." I mumbled, tugging her forwards as we made our way upstairs.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now