The Call

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"Cooper, move up a floor. We've got reports of someone still up there." Owen radioed in as I helped Judd lift an unconscious man from the floor.

Judd gave me a nod to continue and I weaved through the flames creeping across the walls until I reached the stairs. The fire had spread across the entire apartment building before we even arrived. It had been all hands on deck from the moment we got here.

I took the stairs two at a time, listening out for anyone. It was a top floor penthouse and once I made my way through an open door, it was all open space.

The fire was worse here and I could hear the telltale sound of creaking from the roof above me.

"Hello, anyone in here? Shout if you can hear me!" I yelled out, trying to peer through the heavy smoke.

A louder creak sounded from above me and I moved across the room to find someone. "Help!" A voice shouted, sending a shiver up my spine.

That was a child.

I darted across the threshold, spotting a child's room at the end of the hall. With a closer inspection, I could see a small shadow curled up beneath the bed.

"I'm coming! Stay there-" I yelled.

My feet carried me forward unconsciously and as I approached the door, another noise echoed throughout the entire building.

The ground shook beneath me and I glanced up, only to notice the cracks in the ceiling. I dived forwards, cursing when the rubble came down just behind me.

A heavy block of rubble collapsed on top of my leg as I hit the ground, making my entire body jolt in agony. I groaned in pain, trying to tug my foot free to reach the little girl.

"Mister-" Her wheezy coughs drew my attention back to the room, spotting her trying to crawl towards me.

Her eyes were half-lidded and her breathing was rapidly decreasing. "I'm coming! Just keep crawling." I insisted, looking back at my leg in an attempt to free it.

The limb cried in agony and the centre of the pain was in my ankle. I wouldn't be surprised if I had sprained it in my struggle. My attention flicked back to the girl momentarily, spotting her resting her head on the ground.

"No kid- don't lie down! Keep coming, I'm going to help you!" I yelled, seeing her bright green eyes stare dazedly at me.

Her tiny hand reached out to me and I sat up, digging my hands through the rubble. My fingers bled at the harsh movements against the rough surface, but I carried on digging.

"Kid? Kid!" I shouted again, spotting her hand drop down.

More screams tore through my throat as I finally managed to dig my leg free. I shot up to my feet, immediately collapsing on to my knees as my ankle flared in pain. Still, I persisted and scrambled over to her tiny form.

My fingers pressed against her pulse point, feeling a very faint beat. I removed the helmet from my head and my jacket, placing both items on the girl to shield her from the fire.

As quickly as I could with a bad ankle, I climbed through the rubble and hobbled my way back to the stairs. I could feel the fire licking against my skin and t-shirt, but I was more focused on making sure the girl was okay.

I stumbled down the last step, barely managing to catch myself before I hit the floor. My shoulder slammed into a wall to steady myself, before I limped out of the collapsing building.

"TK-" I heaved out a heavy cough, "Help her!" I yelled, catching the attention of everybody.

TK ran over with a stretcher, prompting me to lie her down on top of it. He removed my helmet, throwing it to the side as I worked her out of the jacket.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now