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Firefighters were typically well-liked in society. They weren't often unjust or cruel and people knew that they risked their own lives to save others.

Which is why it didn't make sense that some people hated them.

"Wakey wakey." A voice snarled as a hand patted my cheek.

My eyes fluttered open and I flinched at the sting on my face and the soreness in my limbs. "Cooper!" That was Chris. My head snapped up at the fear in his tone and I blinked around in confusion at the room.

The walls and floor were all the same shade of grey, made of a cold concrete. There was a door on the wall opposite me and the only light was the bulb hanging in the middle of the ceiling.

I looked to my left, spotting Chris with chains around his wrists and ankles. The chains were attached to the wall, making him unable to go anywhere.

"Took your time." A man snarled, nudging my foot with his own.

I glanced upwards, seeing a rugged, older looking man. Another man stood behind him, smirking at me in a twisted way. As I tried to move, I felt a force pull me back and I looked down at the chains attached to my own body.

"What's going on?" I questioned, my voice cracking with lack of use.

"I'm Tim and that is Luke. Remember those names because I bet your family does." 'Tim' snarled and I blinked in confusion.

What criminal gave someone their actual name?

Chris let out a scared noise and I looked over again, "What do you want with us?" I asked carefully.

They laughed tauntingly and I yelped when Tim stomped down on my ankle. It flared with pain and I quickly moved it closer to my body to try and protect it.

"Now that you and your friends are all awake, I think it's time we tell you all what you're doing here." He smirked, reaching up to unlock my chains.

Luke helped Chris take off his chains, yanking him up sharply as Tim did the same to me. I stumbled, wincing when my shoulder was pulled uncomfortably.

"Go easy on him, he's a kid." I snapped, seeing the tears in Chris' eyes.

They ignored me and continued to pull us out the room, into a hall with another room opposite. We were pulled inside and I immediately sucked in a shocked breath at the sight.

May, Harry, Denny and Jee were all sat in the corner of the room. They were huddled together and May kept Jee in her arms.

"You kidnapped a toddler?" I snapped, earning a kick to the back of my knees for my trouble.

My knees hit the hard ground and Tim kept both his hands on my shoulders to keep me still. Chris was dumped next to the others as they all cowered in the corner, staring at us fearfully.

"Why are we here?" May spoke up.

I looked at them all intensely, feeling somewhat relieved when I saw no physical damage on any of them.

"Your parents deserve punishment." Luke snarled angrily.

Tim tightened his grip when I tried to shift away, "So you thought kidnapping their kids would be the solution?" I questioned.

Tim pulled away momentarily, only for my back to flare up in pain as his boot connected with me. I fell forward and I let the man yank me back up again.

"Don't get smart with me kid. I lost my son in a fire because of them. They couldn't save him. I deserve revenge. What better way than with their own kids?" I couldn't see his face, but I could feel the smirk painted on the man's face.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now