Help Me Bobby

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Buck and Eddie finished their shift an hour ago. Chris finished school forty minutes ago and they both picked him up.

They should've been home thirty minutes ago.

It's not like they've never been late. Of course, some things just can't be helped. But, Buck always called me if they were running late. If he didn't, I'd leave him a voicemail until he could pick up.

But the call went straight to voicemail every time, which meant something was wrong. I called Eddie's phone too, but that ended with the same result. Something had to be wrong because both of them knew I struggled to keep calm in unknown situations, a side effect of my crappy parents.

I stood on the front steps of the house, feeling the rain pelt down hard on me. My phone weighed heavy in my hand and I shoved it into my pocket. My mind went to the only person I knew could help right now.


My feet took off as I began running in the direction of his and Athena's home. I knew the route like the back of my hand, having spent many family occasions around their house.

As I ran, I kept an eye open for Buck's jeep as I remember the vehicle leaving the drive this morning. My heart thudded heavily in my chest and I mentally noted that after today I needed to work on my cardio.

It didn't take long to reach Bobby's house or, maybe, I was just too pumped up on adrenaline to realise how long I'd been running for.

I couldn't raise my fist to knock at first, the adrenaline sending me crashing into the door with my shoulder.

"Bobby!" I yelled, thumping my hand on the door desperately.

It swung open and I stumbled forward. Thankfully, two strong hands grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back upright. "Cooper? You're soaked, what's wrong?" Bobby fussed worriedly, pulling me out of the rain.

Athena came around the corner and gasped, immediately running back somewhere else. Bobby wrapped an arm around me and guided me to their sofas, not flinching as I got his clothes wet.

"Buck and Eddie-" I gasped, trying to get my breath back after running here and because of the anxiety racing through my veins.

Athena raced back in with a towel, wrapping it around my shoulders as she tried to dry me off. "What's wrong with Buck and Eddie? Take a deep breath Coop, you're going to hurt yourself." Bobby fretted as he guided me to sit down on the sofa.

"They haven't come home, but Buck always calls if they're going to be late. He didn't call. I tried to call him and Eddie, but it goes straight to voicemail." I rambled out, stopping when Bobby rested a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll find them, okay? But you need to breathe and you need some warm clothes before you get sick." He urged sternly, looking at my soggy form with worry.

Athena rushed past and grabbed her keys, "I'll go drive about and see if anyone has seen them. My radio will pick up some information if there was an accident." She declared, looking at Bobby before she opened the door.

"An accident? You think they had an accident?" I gasped. Bobby's hand was the only thing keeping me in place.

"Do you need me to come too?" Bobby offered, although he seemed reluctant.

Athena waved him off as she grabbed a coat, "You stay with him. Cooper, it's going to be okay. I'll find them baby." She assured before she left the house.

I leaned forward and rested my head on Bobby's chest, taking a shuddered breath when he rubbed my back. My body shivered as the adrenaline wore off and the cold and the fear seeped into my bones.

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