Dad? Papa?

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Some people believed in the concept of luck in this world. I believe in it, but more so the bad luck because, seriously, how much bad luck can one person have?

I frowned at the stormy cloud above me, feeling something uneasy stirring in my stomach. With how often things went wrong, I began to develop a sense for it. Which only meant bad things right now.

Both Buck and Eddie were still on shift, whilst Chris was having a sleepover with Karen and Denny. So, I had insisted to the overprotective firefighters that I would be fine walking home.

Well, clearly the universe likes to prove me wrong.

My phone buzzed in my pocket a few times and I opted for ignoring it, knowing I'd reply to whoever once I was home. I'd be safe once I was inside.

A shout of fear echoed in the busy street and soon a few more started up. My eyes darted around, seeing the fear painted on people's faces, but nothing that could've caused it.

"Everyone get inside! Find cover!" Voices yelled and people began running into stores.

Some houses opened up their doors and beckoned people inside too. I could feel my stomach flip at the panic and I rushed to follow a group of people.

An arm shoved me out of the way as I fell roughly to the concrete street. "What's going on?" I yelled in frustration. The man who pushed me ducked into a house, then slammed the door behind him. Clearly, he wanted to help himself first.

Some people stayed stranded on the street and I appreciated when they began to gather towards me. "There's an earthquake warning. Come on, there's a hotel still taking people in." A lady explained, gently helping me up.

My heart weighed heavy in my heart as I thanked her, following the group to the hotel down the street. Luckily, the employees welcomed us all in and shut the doors once they saw nobody else around.

I fumbled for my phone and immediately spotted the earthquake warning flashing on the screen. A message from Buck appeared and as I went to reply, a loud rumble shook the building.

"Everyone take cover!" An employee yelled.

My phone dropped from my hand as I ducked under the staircase, since that was the closest spot for me.

Another rumble echoed and the screams that followed grated against my eardrums. The sound of crashing followed soon after as I felt the floor shake beneath me. This wasn't a mild earthquake.

A mixture of screams, rumbling and falling debris created a concoction of fear in my mind as I squeezed my arms over my head. My thoughts directed me to Buck, Eddie, Chris and the rest of the team.

Were they okay? Did something happen to the team on shift?

Something heavy dropped opposite me and then I felt something else hit my head. I crumpled under the weight, holding my head as I cried out in pain.

More things crumbled from above me and I felt sharp pieces of debris slice against my skin. I waited out the pain, knowing I couldn't do anything whilst the earthquake was still terrorising us.

I opened my eyes and noticed my vision had blurred with dizziness as a stream of liquid ran over my face. My finger swiped at the drop and I closed my eyes again upon seeing red.

Soon enough, the screams shifted to shouts and rumbling shifted to footsteps. The amount of time that had passed was unknown to me as I tried to peel my eyes open again.

They were painful as the dust blew into my eyes and I reached up to rub them. It seemed the rubble had fallen around me, but the pieces that had fell on me weren't anything like the bridge collapsing.

Cooper and his Firefighters | 9-1-1 Oneshot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now