Pretty Awesome

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The group of five got back on the road again. Phil and Marley were drinking their new beers whilst Stu was forcing himself to drink his water. Doug seemed to be driving more calmly, slowly losing the constant feeling of worry about taking care of his future father-in-law's expensive car. Alan sat in the front seat reading a book titled 'The World's Greatest Blackjack Book'.  "It says here we should work in teams. Who wants to be my spotter? Marley?"

"I don't think you should be doing too much gambling tonight, Alan." Doug told him.

"Gambling? Who said anything about gambling?" Alan furrowed his brows together, "It's not gambling when you know you're going to win. Counting cards is a foolproof system."

"It's also illegal." Stu said, Marley nodding along with him.

"It's not illegal, it's frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane." Alan stated.

"Jesus Christ." Marley muttered under her breath.

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal too." Phil said, looking to Marley, laughing.

"Yeah maybe after 9/11 when everybody got so sensitive. Thanks a lot, Bin Laden."

Marley looked to Stu who was wearing a baffled expression on his face, she whispered to him, "Is he being for real?"

"Either way, you gotta be super smart to count cards, buddy, okay? It's not easy." Doug said, giving him a little nod.

"Oh really?" Alan started to get sassy, "Well maybe we should tell that to Rain Man, because he practically bankrupted a casino and he wasn't all there."

Alan went back to reading his book and Phil and Marley cracked open more beers. As they continued the drive into Vegas, the excitement amongst the group grew. As they got to the city, they were greeted with bright lights and people on the streets already partying, clubs and bars playing music loud enough it could be heard on the busy roads. They pulled up at the front entrance of Caesar's Palace and Doug handed the keys to the valet attendant. After the got their belongings from the trunk, they started walking up to the main door. Two women wearing feather boas greeted Phil with giggles, making him laugh himself.

"Phil is out of the car for 10 seconds and has already found women to flirt with. I think that might be a new record!" Marley joked to Doug but was still loud enough for Phil to hear.

"You jealous, Barbie?" He said, catching up to her as she was walking ahead. She didn't bother responding, just scoffed at him and gave him a smirk. "You know, you're one to talk. Every time we go out, by the time I've finished my first beer you'll have two girls phone numbers and a group of guys will be trying to get you to sit with them." They all made their way over to the reception desk and were greeted by a pretty brunette woman named Lisa.

"Hi welcome to Caesar's! Checking in?" She asked them.

"Yes, we have a reservation under Dr. Price." Stu told her and she began searching for their booking on her computer.

"Dr. Price?" Phil questioned, "Stu, you're a dentist, okay? Don't try and get fancy."

"Not fancy if it's true." Stu said back, smiling at Lisa.

Phil then looked to Lisa, "He's a dentist. Don't get too excited. And if someone has a heart attack, you should still call 911."

"We'll be sure to do that." Lisa said. Marley laughed and Lisa smiled over at her.

"Can I ask you a question?" Alan said, making everyone's eyes go to him, "Do you know if the hotel's pager friendly? I'm not getting an sig' on my beeper."

"I'm not sure." Lisa replied to him.

"Alan, why do you have a pager?" Marley shook her head in confusion.

"Is there a payphone bank? Buncha' payphones? Business." He clarified, making Marley feel slightly embarrassed that he was bothering Lisa.

"There's a phone in your room?" Lisa offered, to which Alan nodded and said it would work. Lisa looked back to her screen, "So, I have you in a two-bedroom suite, with a pull-out sofa, on the 12th floor, is that okay?"

"Actually," Phil leaned over the desk, "I was wondering if you had any villas available?" Doug looked at him confused and Marley just laughed slightly and shook her head. Of course Phil would want to upgrade.

"Phil, we're not even going to be in the room!" Stu said, conscious of the fact Phil would most definitely make him pay for it. "It's no big deal, we can share beds for one night, and Marley can take the pull-out."

Alan then chimed in, "If we're sharing beds, I'm bunking with Phil. You good with that?"

"No. I am not good with that." Phil replied sharply, making Doug and Marley look to each other and laugh. "Guys we are not sharing beds, what are we 12 years old? Only person I would share a bed with is Marley." He looked over to her and winked quickly making her cheeks heat up, "Lisa, I apologise. How much is the villa?"

"Well, we have one villa available and it's 4200 for the night."

Alan raised his eyebrows and looked to Lisa, "Is it awesome?"

"It's pretty awesome."

"We'll take it." Phil quickly responded, he looked to Stu who looked like he was about to punch Phil in the face, "Give her your credit card."

Stu sighed and spoke quietly, "I can't give her my credit card."

"We'll split it." Doug said, taking out his wallet before Phil stopped him, saying he shouldn't pay because it's his bachelor party.

"You don't get it, Melissa checks my statements." Stu continued, making Marley internally groan. Could Melissa get any worse?

Marley stepped in, feeling sorry for Stu, "Don't worry about it, Stu. I'll give my card."

"We just need a credit card on file, we won't charge you until you check out so you can figure it out then." Lisa informed them.

Phil raised his hands and looked to Stu, "Perfect. That's perfect. Thank you, Lisa. We'll deal with it tomorrow."

Stu begrudgingly gave Lisa his credit card and Marley gave hers also, just to try make him feel better. She gave Lisa a smile as she handed it over, making the brunette smile too and look down. Alan, once again, was bothering her, "Can I ask you another question?", Lisa nodded, prompting him to continue, "You probably get this a lot but is this the real Caesar's Palace? Did Caesar live here?"

"Um, no."

Alan pursed his lips together and nodded, "Didn't think so."

Marley decided to try rush things along so that Alan couldn't be a total nuisance, "Well, thank you for all your help, Lisa."

"No problem," She smiled again, "Oh! Um... we also need a phone number, you know just in case. Maybe yours?" She shyly asked Marley, holding up a pen a small piece of paper.

The guys were all shocked, looking to Marley who was grinning and writing her cell phone number onto the paper, followed by her name and a heart. "Thanks again, Lisa." She picked up her bag and started walking towards the elevator.

"How? I mean, how do you do it? You weren't even flirting!" Stu said, amazed as they got to the elevator.

"It's called being hot, Stu. I can't help it."

Alan started asking Doug and Stu questions about what they wanted to do first on their 'big adventure'. Realising Doug wasn't listening, Phil leaned over to Marley and spoke to her in a hushed tone, "Please don't tell me you're going to call Lisa."

"Why? Jealous?"

"No! Maybe, I just want you all to myself." He spoke with a wink.

"That's jealousy, Phil."

Phil just shrugged and responded, "What if it is?"

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now