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Phil followed the directions that Stu was given by the store cashier. Soon enough, they were pulling up in front of a pink building. Marley tried to jog her memory with the sight of it, but the fact she was now aware she had been drugged the night before made it clear she wasn't going to remember anything anytime soon. Phil didn't even bother parking the car and just chose to stop it directly in front of the chapel's entrance. The nerves in Marley's stomach were starting to grow, not only was she about to find out if she had in fact gotten married, the people working in the chapel may not have any help as to where Doug could be. She tried to calm herself down as they all got out of the car.

"What about the baby?" Alan asked, reminding Marley they still had a baby with them, another thing to add to her endless list of worries.

"Just leave him in the car. We're only going to be five minutes." Phil responded.

"Whoa, we're not leaving a baby in a car." Stu retorted as he got out of the car himself.

"He'll be fine! I cracked a window." Phil said, shutting his car door slowly, careful not to wake 'Carlos' who had just fallen into a nap. Marley was too anxious to even try and reason with Phil, she walked ahead and led them all into the chapel.

The chapel seemed to be cheaply decorated with fake flowers and hideous floral furniture. There was a front desk with a cash register with no one occupying it.

"What if they don't remember us?" Stu asked a valid question. Surely so many people would be coming in to get drunkenly married on a Friday night.

"Let's just find out." Phil said. The group turned to the altar and the chairs facing it to see a man and a woman fixing the chandeliers, who hadn't noticed them coming in.  "Excuse me?" Phil called over.

The man and woman both looked over to them, the man immediately smiled widely as he seen them and let out a loud laugh. "Look at these guys! What happened? You miss me? You miss Eddie? You want more from me?" He made his way over to the four of them and hugged Phil, "How are you, my friend?" Eddie didn't seem to notice their confused looks and turned to Marley, "You crazy fucking chick!" He grabbed her hand and twirled her around, making her jump in surprise. "You're insane, my friends still talking about you after you left."

Marley didn't have time to question what he meant before he hugged Alan, who graciously accepted it, as if they were longtime friends, "Look at this guy! You fucking crazy!" Eddie then started motioning to Stu, "Listen to me, I'm gonna tell you something. I know some sick people in my life. This guy, is the craziest wildest bastard I ever met in my life."

Marley and Phil started laughing slightly. "Who? This guy?" Phil pointed to Stu, completely shocked that Stu could ever strike someone as crazy or wild.

"This guy is out of his mind! What's going on, you crazy motherfucker!" Eddie exclaimed, hugging Stu, who didn't hug him back, "I thought he was gonna eat my dick! What happened? No love for Eddie? You don't hug me?"

Stu put a smile on his face, trying to be nice to the guy who claims he had never met anyone crazier, "No, no, it's not that, Eddie. Uh... it's just that we're having a hard time remembering what happened here last night."

"Yeah, was there a wedding here? Do you do weddings here?" Alan asked, fully serious.

Eddie just laughed at him, not realising they genuinely didn't remember what they did the night before, "You are cracking my balls, man. I love these guys!"

Phil was trying to steer the conversation in the right direction, despite finding Eddie's words about Stu hilarious, "Eddie, I mean, obviously we were here last night. We're looking for our friend Doug, do you remember him?"

"Yeah, the small guy, like a monkey, her brother." He pointed to Marley, "Beautiful girl, monkey brother. Crazy."

"You saw him?" Marley asked.

"Of course!"

Marley took a deep breath before asking her next question, "Is there anything you can tell us about what may have happened last night?"

Eddie gave her an amused look and looked to the other guys, "You don't remember nothing?" Marley shook her head and Eddie motioned for them to follow him over to the front desk. He went behind the desk and grabbed a white photo album from underneath it. He set it in front of them and Stu reached over to open it.

To Marley's pleasant surprise, it was not a photo of her on the front page. Instead, a picture of Stu dressed in a blue suit beside a pretty blond woman, who was gazing at him with a smile. A wave of relief washed over her. She hadn't gotten married, perhaps she had just taken the ring from Stu's new wife.

"Congratulations, Stu. You got married!" Alan said, happily. "I'm not surprised it wasn't you, Marley. You're not marriage material."

"This can't be happening!" Stu sounded angry and distressed, beginning to flip through the other pictures in the book. The next picture was all of them, including Doug and Stu's new wife. Marley and the guys looked completely out of it as Stu was grabbing the woman's boob with a happy smile on his face. He groaned and stepped away from the book.

Phil grabbed the album the flipped through the next few pages, seeing a few more pictures of the couple looking full of joy, "I'll tell you one thing, you look seriously happy here, man." His mood seemed to have picked up along with Marley's, seeing as they didn't have to worry about her being married now.

"That's it. My life is over." Stu declared, Marley knew he was fully concerned about Melissa finding out.

"Stu, it's okay. Look, shit happens! Melissa's not going to know anything about this." Phil reassured him.

Marley hadn't noticed that Eddie had went out into the back room behind the desk. He returned with another photo album and the woman, who appeared to be his wife, was carrying two white boxes. "I couldn't find this book, but was in the back with the boxes." He set it down beside Stu's wedding album and Marley's heart sank.

"Oh god." She muttered, Phil heard her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, it's probably just more photos of Stu and the blonde."

Marley opened the photo album and couldn't believe her eyes. On the front page of the album was a picture of her wearing a white veil, kissing Phil.

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now