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The bright light of the sun glared through the drapes of the hotel suite, making Marley squint her eyes. She was lying on the floor, on her side with a blanket draped over her. There was a heavy pounding in her head that made her dizzy. Not ready to get up just yet, she closed her eyes and relaxed into the feeling of warmth against the back of her body. An arm tightened around her waist as she fell herself falling back to sleep.

Wait...That's a fucking person.

Before she could turn herself around to see who the mystery person, that had a tight grip on her waist and legs tangled with hers, was, someone else tripped over the two of them, falling onto the floor before them. "Fuck! Alan are you okay?" Marley asked, her voice was scratchy and harsh.

"What the fuck?" The person behind Marley said, letting go of her. She turned around to see Phil, sitting up without a shirt on, but still wearing his black dress pants. "Control yourself, Alan. Goddamn, would you put on some pants!"

"Phil, Marley, do not go in the bathroom!"

Phil looked at Marley with furrowed brows, "Wait...did we...like, you know?" She gazed down at his neck, he had a dark hickey under his ear. She pointed to it and he just looked at her, confused.

"There is a tiger in the bathroom!" Alan continued yelling.

"What's going on?" Stu asked, Marley looked over to the couch to see Stu sat upright with a dazed look on his face, bags under his eyes.

Phil stood up, lifting the blanket then quickly dropping it again. He looked at Marley and he was clearly trying not to laugh. Marley looked under the blanket, seeing she was completely topless, only wearing her underwear from the night before. Jesus Christ.

"There is a jungle cat in the bathroom!" Alan pointed to the bathroom whilst attempting to pull his shirt down to cover himself.

"Okay! Okay! Al, I'll check it out!" Phil said trying to calm him down. He opened the door to the bathroom and poked his head in. A loud growl came from inside and Phil closed the door as fast as he could. "Oh! Holy fuck! He's not kidding! There's a tiger in there!"

"No there isn't." Stu muttered, eyes almost closing on themselves. Marley made her way over to him with the blanket wrapped around her. She sat next to him and Phil followed suit, pulling his blue shirt he had worn for travelling the previous day over his shoulders.

"You okay, dude?" Marley asked Stu, who was still trying to comprehend the tiger in the bathroom, and just everything in general.

"No, I am in so much pain right now."

"Goddamn, look at this place." Phil was looking around him at the insane state the suite was in. Marley took her own glances to see beer cans and bottles everywhere, feather boas and disposable shot glasses covering the floor. One of the chairs was burnt out, with smoke rising from it. On the left side of the room she noticed her own bra she was wearing the day before flung over a lamp.

"I know..." Stu's voice wavered, "Phil, they have mine and Marley's credit cards downstairs! We are so screwed."

"I mean, how does a tiger get in a bathroom?" Alan was still stood by the door to the bathroom, "It almost killed me!"

"Hey, bro, do you mind putting on some pants? I find it a little weird I have to ask twice." Phil called over to him. Alan started mumbling to himself and grabbed a white towel from the floor and wrapped it around him, walking towards his room to find his pants.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Phil asked, "And Marley, I would love to know why we woke up together."

Marley tried to form a response before Stu interjected, "You've got a fucking hickey on your neck, man. I guess that's a clue." Phil looked to Marley who just shook her head in disbelief, "Hey, guys, am I missing a tooth?"

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now