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Marley drove them all to the Riviera and parked the car in a space as close to the front as she could get. Once the car was at a stop, Phil reached over and kissed Marley's cheek before getting out of the car, followed by Alan and disappeared into the building's front entrance.

After ten minutes of conversation and laughing between Stu, Jade and Marley, the couple went inside themselves, Jade's arm laced with Stu's. Marley watched them go, she had to admit they were cute together. But, she knew Stu so well. He definitely didn't feel right about how he and Jade met. How he was still in a relationship with Melissa, even though Marley and Phil would argue that didn't matter since she was terrible to him.

She knew he would have liked to had remembered meeting her, maybe offered to buy her a drink or take her for dinner. It was tough to see, since Jade was so amazing.

It had only been two minutes of her waiting when a security worker stepped outside of the front entrance, lighting up a cigarette. Marley thought this could be her chance. She got out of the car, checked her appearance in the remainder of the broken window, then made her way over.

He was an older man, not too attractive. But, she had a job to do. He looked up at her as the sound of her heels against the ground got closer and closer. He gave her a smile that made her stomach turn, and not in a good way.

She gave him a wide smile and stopped in front of him, "Do you have another cigarette?"

"For you I do." Gross. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboros. He handed her one and held up his lighter, silently offering to light it himself.

Marley didn't normally smoke, if anything, the taste was enough to put her off completely. Her only exception was when she was drinking she'd maybe have one. Apparently now, she had another exception; flirting with an old man so her friend could count cards in a casino without getting caught, all in order to save her brother from the grasps of a strange man.

She placed the cigarette in her mouth and leaned her head towards him so he could light it. She sweetly giggled as he put his lighter away, keeping his eyes on her.

"How come I've never seen you around here before, doll face?" He spoke in a low tone that she could tell he was purposely putting on.

"I'm just visiting the city for the night." She took a long drag and exhaled, trying to come up with a sweet sob story, "I was meant to be on a date, but he stood me up." She pouted slightly, making herself cringe at her own words and actions.

"Oh you poor thing." He said, "Why don't you come inside and get yourself a drink. On the house."


She widened her eyes and titled her head to the side, "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Absolutely. Pretty girls don't deserve that." He took one last drag of his cigarette and stubbed it out on the wall, throwing in on the ground in front of them. Marley followed suit, except she threw her cigarette butt in the ash bin right next to them.

He opened the door for her and motioned towards the escalator that would lead her down to the casino, "Get yourself a seat at the bar, I'll be down in a minute." He sent her a wink then walked through a door with a 'Staff Only' sign on it. She rolled her eyes once he was gone, now wondering why on earth she had agreed to do this job.

Marley stepped onto the escalator and let it bring her down. Once she reached the bottom, she walked towards the bar, seeing Phil and the others around a craps table. Phil looked up in her direction and was holding back a smirk. He was too handsome for his own good. It felt unfair to Marley that he couldn't be who she had to flirt with. She shot him a wink as she passed him, sitting herself at the corner of the bar not too far away from them.

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now