Selective Memory

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A/N: TW: Mentions of knives, blood and abusive relationships.

They got up to their floor of the building and found their room number. Stu got the keycard out of his pocket and opened the door. The villa was incredible. The living room had one big window providing a beautiful view of the city, many chairs, a piano and an entire bar. Marley couldn't even believe what she was seeing. She had never been in a hotel room this fancy. She seen the amazed look on Doug's face and smiled, happy for the fact her brother was in for an amazing night.

"Now, this is Vegas!" Phil said, patting Stu on the back, gazing all over the ginormous suite. "Now we're talking." He said to himself, making his way over to the window to check out the view.

"Is this all one suite?" Doug asked rhetorically, "Thank you guys. Or, should I say, thanks Marley and Stu."

Marley just laughed, "Just for you."

"You're welcome. It's only cause I love you." Stu replied, still trying to get over his anxiety for how Melissa would react seeing his bank statement.

Marley walked over to Phil, taking her own look out the window to see all the bright lights. "God, it's such a beautiful view." She looked up to Phil, who was just staring down at her, "Isn't it?"

"Yeah it is, the city view's not so bad too." He said in a slight whisper. The two of them stopped and stared into each other's eyes. Marley was trying to figure out what that look he was giving her meant. But, of course, they had to be pulled out of the moment by Alan.

"You guys stare at each other quite a lot, it's getting weird."

"You'll get used to it." Stu said under his breath with a sly grin.

"Sorry, Stu. What was that?" Marley asked with a fake smile, eyebrows raised. He just copied her facial expression back to her as if to say 'you know what I said.'

Phil was clearly eager to get out and start drinking, despite the fact he was the one who wanted to book the villa so badly, "Alright ladies, pick a room, get dressed. Be ready in 30 minutes."

Marley was not happy with the time set to be ready, she did want to get out but they had just been travelling for hours and was in desperate need of a full face of makeup. "Thirty? Are you serious?"

"Yes, very serious, Barbie."

"One hour." She tried to negotiate.

"45 minutes." He bounced back.

Marley rolled her eyes, but an extra fifteen was better than nothing. "Fine." She made her way over to one of the rooms to the left and called out to Phil as she walked away, "But if I don't get anyone's number tonight, I'm blaming it on you, asshole." She shut the door to her room for the night and immediately started getting ready. She pulled on the black dress she had brought, then started on her makeup, which would take the longest out of everything. After styling her hair as fast as possible, she sprayed some of her perfume and started making sure she looked good. Thankfully, she was actually really happy with how she looked. She grabbed her heels and sat on the bed to put them on. As she was getting started on the second shoe, there was a knock on the door, making her glance over at the digital clock on the nightstand.

"It's only been 40 minutes!" She shouted.

"Can you just let me in?" Phil's voice came from the other side of the door. Marley rolled her eyes as she finished with her shoes, getting up and unlocking the door. Phil stood on the other side, now dressed in an all black suit with the first few buttons of his shirt undone and hair in its usual slicked back form. Once again, he looked good enough to eat. He looked her up and down, grin wiped off his face. "You...uh. Wow. Y-You look incredible."

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now