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Marley couldn't say the idea of sitting on Phil's lap didn't excite her. Stu looked at them both strangely and just ushered Alan to get into the car. Marley followed Phil around to the driver's side of the car. He quirked a brow at her as he opened the door, "Hope you can still focus on driving this way."

"Please, if anything you'll be the one finding it hard to focus." Marley replied. Phil slid into the driver's seat and adjusted it so it was moved back to give Marley enough room. She waited until he was comfortable to climb in herself, settling herself in his lap and making sure her feet were able to reach the pedals. Phil chose to rest his arms together around her waist. This was the closest she had ever been to Phil, and it was making her feel hot and dizzy. She was doing everything in her power to not let herself get carried away with her thoughts. "Everyone ready?" She asked the guys.

"Yep, let's go." Stu was ready to get going as quick as possible, wanting nothing more than to get this over and done with.

They got on the road and Marley was thankfully able to drive comfortably. The roads on the outskirts of the main city weren't actually too busy. Once they were on a straight road, Marley shifted slightly to make her seating situation more comfortable. As she rested, Phil started to move slightly too. Then, Marley felt something poking into her thigh, making her cheeks heat up and nearly causing laughs to spill out of her.

She cleared her throat, not wanting to say anything in front of Stu and Alan, but wanting to let Phil know that she knew. He gave her thigh a light tap and tried to act nonchalant, "You comfortable, Barbie?"

"Mhm. Very comfortable."

She shifted against him again with a smirk on her face as she continued driving. He tightened his hold on her waist and let out a low groan, directly into her ear. Asshole. Marley was finding it even harder to keep her thoughts on the driving. Thankfully, Alan started talking, taking her focus elsewhere.

"Hey, guys, when's the next Halley's Comet?"

"I don't know, Alan." Marley said.

"Who cares, man?" Phil rolled his eyes at the question.

Alan turned to Stu, who was staring off into the distance, "Do you know, Stu?"

"I don't think it's for like, another 60 years or something." Stu mumbled, Marley was able to tell from his voice that he was absolutely exhausted.

"But, it's not tonight, right?" Alan questioned again.

"No, I don't think so."

"But, you don't know for sure?"

Stu rolled his eyes, Marley knew he could've lashed out and told Alan to shut up but he just didn't have the energy.

"I got this cousin, Marcus, who saw one. He said it blew his mind." Alan started to explain, "I wanna make sure I never, ever miss out on a Halley's Comet. So if you guys know there's going to be one-"

Alan's blabbering was cut off by a loud roar coming from the backseat of the car. The four of them all started yelling, incoherently. Marley didn't know what to do. They were passing through a tunnel, with multiple lanes. She tried to pull over to the right, but swerved at the sight of a car coming at a fast speed in that lane.

Phil grabbed onto the wheel, also to try and help her, but suddenly yelled out in pain and let go of the wheel. "OH FUCK! SON OF A BITCH!" The lane to the right of them was finally clear, Marley took the opportunity to swerve to the side of the tunnel and stop.

As soon as Marley hit the brakes, Phil and Alan opened the car doors. She rolled out of the car and onto the ground as quick as she could, letting Phil get out before their tiger could reach the door, Alan and Stu rolling out of their side. She slammed the door once Phil was out and watched the tiger start to tear into the car's seats, completely ruining the interior.

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now