Doug's Wedding

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They were reaching closer and closer to LA. Marley was getting concerned about the fact she hadn't showered and needed to do her makeup and hair. Plus, her dress was still at the Garner's house. She couldn't wait just to get to the wedding and have this trip behind her.

The sound of a horn came from behind them, it was coming from a white van that had 'The Tux Shop' written on the side pulled up alongside their car. At the sight of the van, Alan stood himself up, "Here he comes! That's him!" The side door of the van was pushed open revealing a man with long hair. "Hey Neeco!" Alan called to him.

"Hey! What's up, Alan?" Neeco responded. He started throwing over brown packages, which Marley could only assume were tuxes for the guys. He passed all four in then pointed in front of their car, "Whoa, look out!"

Marley, who had been distracted, looking in front to see that she was getting too close to the black car in front of her. "OH SHIT!" She quickly steered into the lane to the right and over took the black car, Neeco and his van speeding up along side them.

Neeco laughed as she got back into her original lane, "You're a badass. Here, dress for the lady." He threw in one final package which was caught by Phil.

"Thanks, Neeco!" Marley yelled over to him. Stu reached and gave him a high-five.

"Page me!" Alan shouted to him as Marley sped up again.

"Who was that guy?" Stu asked.

"That's my buddy, he owes me one." Alan informed them, "I got him to bring your dress from our house, Marley. He was in LA anyway."

Marley took a hand off the wheel and held it out for Alan to high-five, which he accepted, "Thanks, buddy." She continued driving until they got to the end of the highway, pulling over in the first place she could.

All of them got out and started changing, no time to have shame about only wearing underwear on the side of the road. Luckily, Marley was able to slip her bridesmaid dress over the dress she was already wearing. Once she had the new dress pulled over her, she pulled down the straps of the other dress and shimmied it down her body.

Phil agreed to drive the rest of the way so Marley could quickly put some makeup on. She sat in the front seat, using nothing but a small compact mirror to see what she was doing. Behind her, Doug was shaving, Stu was pulling his socks on. Phil, even whilst driving, was fixing his tie and smoothing out his hair. Alan was using Phil's hair gel to try and have his hair look like his, which Marley thought was cute.

They made it to the Garner's home, only 15 minutes behind schedule. Once the car came to a stop, they all jumped out and ran up to the door. They opened it to see the other bridesmaids sat on benches, obviously waiting for the arrival of the groom and groomsmen.

"Hey. Sorry, MapQuest took us on a really crazy route." Stu said to Tracy's friends, who didn't seem amused at all.

Amy, Tracy's maid of honour stood up, "Now that you guys are finally here, let's get out there." She was clearly frustrated, rightfully so. But she was still being nice to them, thankfully. Marley smiled to her and followed her towards the house's back door.

They all made their way outside, where the ceremony was taking place, Doug and the groomsmen going down the aisle first, followed by Marley and the other bridesmaids. They took their places, Phil standing next to Doug since he was the best man. Marley caught him already looking at her and smiled.

"Beautiful." He mouthed to her, making her cheeks grow hot.

The musicians began playing the Wedding March as Tracy began walking down the aisle with her dad. All of the guests stood and turned in their direction, all looking at Tracy in awe. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her dress. As they reached the end of the aisle, Tracy gave Sid a kiss on the cheek. Doug hugged Sid and Marley could hear his whisper to him.

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