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I was relieved she forgave me, I just hope Shigaraki doesn't find out that I've been slacking off.

I don't think she saw my face, so she won't really know it was me.. right?

Being around her, just changes everything. A part of my past has come back to visit me again. Everything that I've learnt, the blood on my hands seem to be forgotten.

Like I was 14 again.

I hated how it had to be her who stumbled upon us that night, it could have been anyone else, but it had to be her. And now they want me to check her quirk out.

"To better our chances of finding a great power for our project." I mocked.

Maybe I could stretch it out, act like I haven't seen her yet.. it's not like they'd find out? I still have a chance to atleast make this right.

I chuckled bitterly -

It's like the universe hated me.

When I hurt her, I thought it was really the end. But she forgave me, I thought I was gonna have to bring her back to base if she really hated my guts.

She forgave me. What a sweet girl.

I have a chance don't I? I just have to try harder.



I don't judge, that's an understatement. But I don't really find villains cooking in my apartment a very admirable idea. It's as if he couldn't read the atmosphere-

I really hated how he acted so clueless and so innocent.

"I made you lunch. Do you like it?"

'Anddddd it's my favourite.'

It's all part of his plan, warm me up to him and then stab me behind the back. I internally raised an eyebrow,

'He could have poisoned this!' Goosebumps immediately appear on my skin, I'm thankful for the long sleeves I'm wearing that covered that up.

But just to be sure, and since it was my favourite.. I was letting it slide. But I'm not dumb.

I took a fork and stabbed it in the food, and hovered it just Infront of his mouth.

"Have a bite?"

Just to make sure... That it isn't poisoned.

"What?" He blurted out, stepping back a little when I got a bit too close. "But it's for you.."

I raised my eyebrow even more.

"Come on, how can the chef know if it tasted good?" I pushed and I further held the fork closer to his mouth.

'He's getting nervous... Maybe this bastard did put something in there...!'

"Okay.." Despite my suspicion, he bit the food from the fork and ate it.


Maybe that part isn't poisoned!

I went ahead and got some more from the plate from a different part, "Here! Have some more!" I smiled giddily and his eyes widen again.

"But it's for you!" He half yelled between munches and I shook my head,

"Let's share!" I forcefully shoved it in his mouth this time.

I don't realise how I make him feel.


Alas I ended up eating the food anyway, Dabi looked pretty pleased. It wasn't poisoned anyway.. I hope.

I clicked my tongue, one way or another, I have to get him off my back. Maybe I should take Hawks' advice and disappear from the face of Japan...

I shook my head, I'm too broke for that.

I felt pretty full so I don't think I was gonna go for third meal of the day, maybe I might just go out- right I can't.

Dabi was gone again, I immediately theorized that he was out listening to a very interesting villainous meeting. Plotting evil plans and whatnot.

I swear I have to get my hands on that.

Maybe I should spy on him one day!
That'll get me killed for sure.

Maybe I can go outside.. if he was in a meet- No! That's just a theory! I'll die out there since I'm alone!

I groaned, not having went outside during night time for the past few days sucked. Everyday crammed in my room studying and going out in daylight-

I felt like some monster going into hiding whenever it was just about to get dark.

I bit my lip.

I really want some fresh night breeze..

At this point I was making excuses to go out. I closed my eyes and thought to myself, and decided what I'd do for the night.


It was raining outside yes, did I bring an umbrella? Fuck no. I didn't go anywhere near any fishy place, I went to the crowded areas where it was alive.

I felt so alive.

I ended up in the local park, no one was here.

Pretty dumb but hear me out, who would be here? No one! No one's gonna be in the park if it's raining at night! So no one's gonna catch me here.

I skipped(and didn't slip), dashed on the grass and almost did fall - I ended up sliding and falling on my bum. I was playing in the rain - and I was in my 20's.

Being too busy in my play I failed to notice a younger girl watching me in awe.

"Isn't that her~?"


The next day was a disaster. I was sick. Absent again. I groaned, I really didn't wanna let the cat out of the bag, and tell Hawks and Eugene that I snuck out of my own apartment.....

Okay but I have every rights to don't I?

"Y/n!" Eugene scolded me and laid me back down in bed, Hawks had dropped him off this morning and continued his patrol.

No sign of Dabi, I surely hope he doesn't come.

"You are staying in bed young lady. And that's final!" Eugene wringed a wet cloth and placed it on my forehead, somehow aggressively yet so gently and kindly.

I only sighed in despair, knowing I was about to hear the scolding of my life.


"I saw her! I saw her last night!" Toga chimed, bouncing on her feet excitingly.

"Shes so childish and pretty it's so cute! Dancing in the rain so carefree.. I could just cut her!" She giggles-

"Well why didn't you go after her?!" Shigaraki yells, scratching his neck frantically.

She blinked, "Where's the fun in that... Plus.. I was alone! And I was in my break, sorry!" Toga mischievously grins ear to ear.

Kurogiri, wiping some dishware places it down on the counter.

"Calm down, she's right. We don't know her capabilities."

"Bullshit! She was right there! You could have knocked her right out!" Kurogiri sighed, Shigaraki throwing one of his tantrums.

Dabi was listening, but he didn't say anything.

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now