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When I woke up the next day, my phone had been bombarded with text messages and spam calls. And I slept through all of it, it seemed impossible but I probably have broken that record. I stretched my limbs and finally opened my phone.

3:29 PM....

Damn. I slept in.

I clicked the roof of my tongue and hastily got up, washed my face, combed my hair and got dressed. I packed the rest of my essentials that I had taken out the day before and I checked out.

I booked a place- not too close or too far. Just enough distance where I can take shelter in an emergency.

As I did the previous day in it's early morning, I called a cab and drove to my destination. It was pretty quiet, I stared out the window watching the trees pass by.

"Young lady.. must I drop you where you wish? You know, that place isn't really the best area to be in." The driver suddenly spoke, his voice interrupting my trail of thoughts causing me to look away from the window and at the back of his head.

"Uhm.. pardon?" I timidly mumbled.

"I said, should I drop you off there? It doesn't have the best reputation." He repeated, adjusting the rear view mirror to look at my reflection.

"Yeah.. that's where I'm staying for the weekend." I answered almost robotically, my whole body starting to stiffen due to nervousness.

'Whys he poking his nose? Thanks but its my business.'

"I'm quite worried young lady.. you should know that area has been reported for having missing cases. It's a shame really." The old man whispers the last part. It was this time that I actually began to take in his appearance- he looked around in his 60's or 70's.

My problem was, why is he still working?

"You know.. I have a relative living there. She.." He trailed off. I listened attendly, waiting for him to continue. But all I got was a heavy sigh.

"My daughter lives there with her kids. I told them to move away." My eyes glanced at his hands on the steering wheel that began to shiver slightly.

"Are they okay?" I worriedly asked, my fingers starting to play with the hem of my shirt.

"No. They don't have a mother anymore."

"I don't have a daughter anymore."


It was odd that whilst these words left his lips, I didn't see him tear up at the thought of it. Though I do recognize that look of grief in his eyes, and it pained me.

I understand you.. I wanted to say.


"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"I understand how you feel.. my best friend also went missing." I revealed, my fists clenching my jacket. When I looked up, his eyes were looking at me through the reflection of the rear view mirror.

They were soft. Sympathy.

"I'm so sorry you went through that dear. Life is truly cruel."



Is this what I needed to hear?

It's like a thorn of vines were wrapping around my throat. My tears were threatening to suddenly spill at the mention of it.

"Dear, must I really drop you off here?" His voice interrupts me.

"Yes please." I choked out in the midst of my nearing breakdown that I was surpressing.

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now