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The couch creaked under my weight as I shifted wrapping the blanket around me tightly savouring the soft and comfortable fabric. The temperature felt just right, and it felt I could sleep in for today.

Except I couldn't.

My eyes groggily fluttered open, in dismay due to the force of responsibility. I assume the sun had just risen because the light that seeped in through the curtains bore an orangish hue.

My limbs stretched under the blanket, earning a few satisfying cracks. My eyes glanced at the clock and confirmed my assumptions. I rubbed my eyes and leaned towards the floor to check on my roommate, who, was asleep on the mattress placed on the floor.

A small smile crawled it's way up to my face as I stared at his sleeping figure, his dashing raven hair drooping over his face. The left over popcorn from last night still in his hand, and I giggle imagining Dabi trying to take his last bite before falling asleep.

I stared at him curiously, sliding off the couch as quiet as possible and inching closer and closer to the sleeping figure in curiousity. My hand unconsciously moving to touch his hair.

Snapping out of it I pulled my hand back, holding it to my chest.

The bruises around my collarbone have healed but the fear in me has not. I bit the inside of my cheek afraid to make the same mistake again—I didn't want it to happen again.

As I gasp to myself and ponder, falling into a trail of thoughts I noticed he moved a little closer.

His scarred cheek lightly grazing my finger.

But maybe.... My shaking hand without my control, moves to cup his face gently, earning a deep hum from the boy. The ravenette slowly nuzzled against my palm and my breathe hitched getting stuck in my lungs. In a few moments, the skin of my hand was touching a strand of his hair—and in a few moments more, my fingers finally found its way on his raven locks.

A giddy feeling bubbles up in my chest as I realize that something's changed. And as soon as I did it felt as if my heart stopped beating and a silent giggle leaves my lips. He seemed so peaceful and so pretty like this. His hand slowly started to move, creeping up to my wrist but I didn't mind it, busy in simply admiring the view.

Unlike how slow it started, it quickly ended when the unsuspecting movement of his hand grabbed my wrist—lightly. He stole a light gasp from me and once I looked at his face there was a smug grin on his cheeky features. "Love the view? Take a picture, it'll last." he whispered, cockiness already evident in his tone.

I scoffed stealing my wrist back from him, "Corny bastard, you got that off of google?" I teased earning a satire sharp glare from him, he immediately sat up and flicked my forehead. "No, i'm incredibly original." Dabi responded with sass, and I'm pretty sure with a hint of a lie no matter how much he tried to hide it.

"Okay Mr. Original, why not look at the mess you made?" I grabbed his chin and adjusted his head like-so to take a look at the mess he made from last night.

His reaction was completely onsight, I felt his whole body tense through the skin of my hand, and maybe I could feel his internal dread of having to clean it up; "Now this, has definitely originated from you." before I knew it a scarred hand came closer and closer to my face, eventually touching my whole face and lightly shoving me aside.

"Shut up brat, i'll clean it up." he sneered standing up from the mattress, stretching his limbs and stealing a few satisfying cracks in return. Dabi almost immediately got to work, sweeping the floors and setting the mattress away, and I can't help but look at him proudly for some reason. "Whatcha' doing smiling there? Go make me a sandwich woman." the ravenette flinched realizing the last part slipped out.

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐢 ✓Where stories live. Discover now