Shopping Spree

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Nick and I got in the car and drove to the nearest store. "So what do we need?" Nick said getting out the car.

"We need new suitcases." I say getting out the car. "I need new shoes for warped tour." I say as we walk into the store.

"I do too. We also have to get plane tickets after we get what we need here." Nick says.

"Let's go look at suitcases." I say grabbing Nick's arm leading him to the luggage aisle.

We got the suitcases, then I went over to look at purses. I end up getting a couple over the shoulder purse.

We got those little travel size shampoo, conditioners, toothpaste, and deodorant. I think little travel size things are so cute. I got a small pouch for my makeup.

After shopping, we went to get lunch at this pizza place. "What do you want?" Nick says looking up at the menu above the counter.

"I really want cheese pizza." I say looking at the delicious melted cheese pizza picture on the menu. It may not look like that but pizza is just so good.

"Okay, 2 slices of cheese pizza, 2 slices of pepperoni pizza, and a bag of breadsticks." Nick says to the cashier and the cashier yells the order to the back.

We sat at a table waiting for our food. "After this did you want to go with me to buy some more thing or do you want to go home and order the tickets?" Nick ask me.

"I'll go with you and I orderd the tickets before we left." I reply. Nick gave me this surprised look. "Oh I forgot to tell you."

"It's okay, I should have guessed because you always like to get thing done early." Nick says, he reached out and grabbed my hand. "You are something else, what would I do without you." I shrug. We stare in each others eyes.

My stomach growls, breaking the silence. "When is the food coming, I'm starving." I whine while holding my stomach.

A waiter comes over to our table with plates in his hand. "Pep and cheese pizza with bread sticks." He said setting down the plates in the table.

"Thank you." I say to the waiter, the waiter smiled then left. "Yes! I love pizza." I say before taking a bite. Every bite was filled with a cheesy satisfaction.

"You sure like that babe." Nick says chuckling and I nod. Nick took a bite out of his slice of pizza. "Damn this is good."

"I know it is." I say smiling. We finished our food and drove to Hot Topic to get some more outfits.

"Hey babe what about this one?" Nick said handing me a Black Veil Brides top. "Oh and look at this." He pointed at a choker with a Black Veil Brides logo.

"That is fucking amazing. I'm getting it." I say, taking the choker off the shelf. "You're really into this shopping aren't you." I giggle, Nick playfully nudges my side.

"Hell Yeah got to look good for." He paused and a smile across my face. "Black Veil Brides. Got to make a good first impression." Nick laughs, and I nudge him in the side.

"Whatever Babe." I start to walk away but Nick grabs my arm.

"Babe I'm joking, it's for you and then BVB." I look at him and laugh.

"Come on let's buy this stuff and go to home and take a long hot shower while you make me some brownies." I say leading him to the counter.

"I got a better idea. How about we take a shower together and then make the brownies."

I rolled my eyes, and put the the clothes on the counter. We walked to the car. "Maybe we should." I said as I get into the car.

"Maybe we should what?" Nick say confused.

"Maybe we should take a shower together and then make brownies." I say as I turn on the radio.

Nick turns it down a little. "Are you serious?" He question, I shrug and turn up the radio. I plug in my phone and played I Won't Give In by Asking Alexandria.

We started singing along. I eventually arrive home. We got out the car and headed into the house. I grabbed Nick's hand and lead him upstairs.

"So we are taking a shower?" Nick said as we walk upstairs.

"Yes." I whispered. We walk to the bathroom, and we got undressed and got into the shower.

We took a long hot shower together. I was actually relaxing. We got out the shower and got dressed. I put on some joggers and a Batman tank top. We walked down stairs into the kitchen.

I got all the ingredients to make brownies and set them on the counter. "Babe can you crack the eggs?" I say as I reach for the brownie mix in the cabinet.

"Sure babe." He says as I finally mange to get the brownie mix, which was all the way in the back on the top shelf.

"I got the brownie mix." I say happily walking to Nick, who is standing by the island. I pour the brownie mix in, and he pours the water and oil in. I stir the mix. I lift up the mixing spoon and I flick it, making some mix get on Nick's face.

"Hey! I'm gonna get you back." Nick said as I try and run away from him. I was screaming no at the top of my lungs. Nick grab a spoon and dunked it in the mix. "Are you ready to become dessert?" He flicks the mix on my face.

"Okay we're even. Now I don't want to waste perfectly good brownies on you." I laugh. I get the pan and pour the mix into it. Then Nick places it in the oven.

"So what are we gonna have for dinner?" Nick asked as we walk into the living room.

"Brownies duh." I reply. "Um I don't know. How about we order some food?"

I look at eat24hours app and look up restaurants. I took me a while to find a good restaurant. "How about Pestolini?" I ask.

"Sure, I love that place. I want the Special Pasta and the watermelon juice."

"I'm gonna get Pasta Milano and a smoothie." I order the food. "Oh, I smell the brownies." I run and check on the brownies.

The doorbell rings. "I'll get it." Nick yells from the living room. I hear the footsteps walking in the distance. Then Nick walks into the kitchen with bags of food. "That was fast."

"It was. I was expecting it to take longer." I said as I take the pan out of the oven.

We ate the food and dessert. We walked into the living room, and sat down on the couch. I put in a movie and we cuddled on the couch. We eventually fell asleep. I think this is a wondeful way to spend Sunday.

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