Hello, Amber

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"Wow that was fucking amazing!" Kelly said as soon as I got of stage. "I took a video of it. Imma send it to you." She said as she got out her phone.

"You did amazing! How was it?" Chris asked.

"It was fun. At first I was feeling uneasy about it but I soon go into it." I said.

"The crowd loved you." Vic said as he hugged me.

"It was funny watching you dance." Connor said, earning a punch in the arm from Kelly.

"You can't even dance, so don't start." She said.

"But, you love my awkward dance moves." He said as he got closer to Kelly. They they go again with there weird thing.

"I think you should join us in stage as well." Mike said.

"That would be cool, being on stage with Jenny." Jamie said. He picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

"Vic are you cool with that?" Mike said.

"I don't mind. Jenny?" Vic questioned.

"Uh, I don't know." I said with hesitant. I don't just want to use them just so I can get fam. I want to do this for myself but, of course, Juliet wants me to have a greater opportunity.

"She will do it." Juliet said, popping out of no where.

"When did-" She cut me off.

"I will be your warped tour manager and I am telling you that you can't let this opportunity go. It will be great help to get you to were you want to be." She said, obviously joking about the whole manger thing even though I know what she meant about it.

"But-" I said and once again being cut off.

"You can't let this go. It will help you. Do you know how hard it is to get into the music business? Extremely hard, I know cause it took me a long time to get here. I want you to get a good start and I think you should take it." Chris said.

Oh, not him too but he does got a point. "I guess you guys have a point." I mumbled.

"What? When I try to get you to do it. Your all like, 'no, I don't want to.' But, when he says something, you're like,'Yes, please fuck me. I'll do whatever you want.' Like what the hell?" Juliet said causing Chris to grow red and everyone else to laugh there asses off.

"Where the hell did that come from? I didn't say anything like that. I was talking about both if you, not just him." I said.

"Why are you guys all laughing?" Ashely said, covered in sweat as he stood next to the other sweaty bodies. Jamie explains what happened, which doesn't make him laugh. In fact, he looked kind of jealous, maybe it is just my imaginations.

"Let's head back to the buses and get ready." Andy said. "So what you guys going to do?" He tapped a rag on his forehead.

"Well, we have to performance in 20 minutes and Kelly's leaving in a bit." Chris said.

"We preform at 6 but we have a meet and greet we have to do at 4:30." Vic said.

"We can all meet up at 8 and go to a bar." CC suggest. Everyone agreed then we went our separate ways.

When we go back on the bus, the guys started to argue about shower turns. Andy, Jinxx and Jake left to use the venue showers, luckily this venue had showers, leaving CC and Ashely to figure out who would go first.

I walked into the back room and dialed Amber's number.

"Hey Jenny, so tell me all the details." Amber immediately asked as she answers. I told her almost every detail about warped well except the thing with Ashely. I'll tell her when I know if I'm pregnant or not.

"Wow, you fucking lucky ass. That's amazing. If I was there, I would slap you. How can you not want to take that opportunity."

"Well I kinda have a manger now, I guess."

"Well tell Juliet I said thank you."

"Will do. Anyways, how as it been over there? Is Nick doing alright?" I asked.

"I haven't seen him. But, it's been good."

"And Blaze, what about him?"

"Good too, he misses you, so does Kyle and Lydia."

"I miss them all."

"I miss you, Jenny!" Blaze yelled into the phone.

"When are you coming back?" Kyle following Blaze's screams.

"It's not the same without you." Lydia said normally.

"What? They are there? Why didn't you tell me?" I yelled.

"Sorry, they just got back from a lunch run." Amber said.

"Is it on speaker?" I asked.


"I miss you too! I want to come back but I'm kinda thinking things through before I do something I regret. You know what I mean?" I said.

"Yeah, it's all good girl. Have the time if your live for once. Don't let anyone bring you done." Lydia said.

"Thanks Lyd." I said. Then there was a knock on the door. Ashely opened it.

"Hey, Jenny, we're going to leave. Do you want to come?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Is that Ashely?" Amber asked. "Tell him I love his face. No, no, no I'm joking. Don't tell him."

"Ashley, my friend, Amber, says she likes your face." I said.

"Uh- thanks." He said.

"Haha, he said thanks. I'm gonna go. I'll call you later. Bye."

"I hate you so much. Bye." She said before she hung up the phone.

"Where are we going?" I wondered.

"To Andy's parent's house." He said.

"Why?" I asked as I got up and walked over to him.

"Juliet was you to meet them." He said. We walked to the front lounge to see CC waiting.

"What was all that screaming for?" CC asked.

"Sorry, I was talking to my friends." I said, slightly embarrassed. I didn't think I was that loud.

We walked out of the bus and walked over to a building with the others waiting for us. "Ready?" Andy said.

"Yeah." CC, Ashely and I said together.

We left the venue and got a cab van to drive us to Andy's parents house. I feel nervous. Why wouldn't I? I'm meeting Andy Fucking Biersack's parents. That's fucking unbelievable.

The ride there was short. We all got out the car and walked to the front door. The door slowly opened revealing the faces that created such a beautiful man, I mean Angel. Andy shall not be considered a man. He his much more than a man.

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