Lovely Red and Black Hair

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Chris, Conner, Karson, Kelly, Victoria, Eric, and I were walking toward the stage. We got stopped by some guards but Mike told them we were aloud to go up there.

"Hey Jenny! So these guys are the friends you wanted to bring?" Mike asked. I nodded. "We'll talk later I have to go on stage." With that Mike ran on stage and cheers erupted.

They began to play The Divine Zero. I started singing along with Vic. This was absolutely one of my favorite song but then I love all of their songs.

After their set was done, the guys came running of stage all sweaty. Mike walked over to me and tried to give me a hug.

I backed away from him. "Eww, Mike you're all sweaty." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Eww."

"Come on, Jenny. You know you like it." Mike said still hugging me.

"Let's go back to the bus and get washed up." Vic said. Mike finally let me go. We all started walking back to the bus. Chris and his band was still sweaty since they didn't go back to get washed up.

"I got to get dressed too since Mike's sweat is all over me." I said as I shot daggers at Mike, who is smirking.

We finally got to the buses. "Hey guys I'm going to get ready and I'll be over after when I'm done." I said to Vic.

"Hey Jenny, we're going to go get dressed too. See you later." Chris said then walked of with the others.

I got on the bus. I notice everyone sitting down with nervous looks on their faces. Ashley was the first one to notice me walk in. He ran toward me and gave me a hug.

"Where were you? We were worried sick." He said as he pulled away. I looked at him slightly confused. He was worried about me?

"Oh, I was just with some friends and then we went to go see pierce the veil's set." I said.

"You have friends here?" Jake asks. I nodded. "Oh."

"Yeah, well I'm going to get dressed again since Mike got his sweat all over me." I said as I walked into the bunks.

I wiped myself with a rag and put my on a black tank top. I walked out to the lounge. I awkwardly sat next to CC on the couch.

"Here, so I can contact you." Ashley said giving me a piece of paper with his phone number.

"Okay." I put his number in and I sent him a text.

Me: Heyyy Ashley. I feel very awkward.

Ashley: Why?

Me: It's very quiet and I feel like the attention is all on me.

"Hey, Jenny can I meet your friends?" Ashley said breaking the silence. I just nodded and we walked outside. "Jenny, I want to ask why you are so shy around the others? Your still kind of shy around me too."

"Uh, I don't know. I don't know how to act around you guys." I said as we walked to Chris bus. Well, it's not really a big tour bus like bvb but a small van.

I finally found it. I knocked on door because they said they were going to change. The door opened and I saw Karson's face. "Oh hey, the guys are changing and Victoria and Kelly went to get something to drink."

"Karson, Ashley wanted to meet you guys so yeah." I said. This is the most I've heard Karson talk. He has a deeper voice then I imagined.

Karson looked over my shoulder and made eye contact with Ashley. Karson crawled out the van. "Hey, man." Ashley said.

"Ashley, I just want to say I'm a big fan. I did play some bass-" Karson started but I zoned out their conversation. I got a text from Jamie.

Hime-Time: Heyy! Are you still coming over?

Me: Yeah, In a little. Ashley wanted to meet my friends so we're over at their van.

"Oh, hey Jen." Eric said as he opened the door. He got out then followed Conner.

"Hey guys, Ashley wanted to meet you." I said. Then Chris came out the van. "Hey Chris."

"Hey Jennifer. What are you doing here? I thought you were going to ptv's bus." He asked me.

"She's here because Ashley wanted to meet us." Eric said as he lit his cigarette. "Want one?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"He wanted to meet us?" Chris asked. I looked over at Ashley, who is talking to Karson and Conner.

"Yeah." I said as I turn back to Chris and Eric. "Hey, I'm going to go to ptv's bus. Bye" I said then I walked off without Ashley noticing.

I finally got to their bus. I knocked on the door and Jessie, the guy who's filling in for Tony, opens it. "Hey." I said as I walked into the bus.

"Hey." He replies. Everyone was sitting in the lounge. I sat next to Mike and Jessie sat next to Vic on the other couch.

"Hey Jenny." Mike said.

"Hey Mike." I said. I look of his hat and put it on my head. "So what are you guys going do?" I asked.

"I don't know." Vic said. My phone started ringing The Divine Zero. I blushed seeing how my ringtone is their song.

I picked up my phone not looking at the caller id. "Hello."

"Where are you? I turn around for one second and your gone." Ashley said.

"Oh, I'm at PTV's bus." I said.

"Okay, don't go running of like that okay. Well anyways, our set us going to start at 2. Do you want to come along?"

"Yeah okay. I'll see you later then." I said before I hung up the phone. The guys looked at me.

"Your leaving but you just got here." Jamie said as he walked from the back.

"No, I'm not leaving right now but at two I'm going to watch bvb play." I said. "So what do you want to do?"

"Let's go get some lunch. I'm hungry." Jamie said. We all agreed and got off the bus.

"Mike carry me there. I'm tired." I whined. Mike sighs and lends down so I can get on his back. When he started walking, I put his hat back in his head.

"Vic get on my back and let's race Mike to catering." Jamie said. Vic jumped on his back and Jamie started running.

"Oh hell no!" Mike shouted and then started to run, leaving Jessie behind. I was scared I might fall so I gripped tight around Mike's body.

We finally arrived at catering. We all stood in line, waiting behind New Year's Day. I wanted to talk to them so much. I love their music and the dark, creepy sound they put into it.

"Hey Vic, who's the girl? Is it a groupie or something?" Ashley asked. I love her hair it's so amazing. I want my hair to be like that. Wait, did she just say I was a groupie?

"No, she's just our little lost puppy." Mike said. I looked at him, shocked.

"No, actually I'm here with black veil brides. It's kinda complicated." I said.

"Oh, so do you like warped so far?" She asked.

"I really like it but I still haven't seen you perform yet. Did you play already?"I asked her.

"No, we don't play until 2:55." She said. We approached the front of the line and got our food.

"Well, I'll see you preform then." I responded. I was about to walk away with the boys but Ashley yelled out 'yeah' and I turn around.

"What's your name? You obviously know my name." She said moving her beautiful hair out of her face.

"Oh, I'm Jennifer or you can call me Jenny." I suggested. "Bye, talk to you later." I said and walking of with the guys.

We went back to the bus to eat and we watched a movie.

AN:// Sorry if it sucks. I'm really don't know how portray Ashley Purdy's Character. Help me! I need ideas. I'm sorry again of this sucks. I'm really trying. Anyways, I need ideas to describe Ashley's Characteristics. Have a Pawsome day and stay Awkward! ❤✌

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