Meeting Andy's Parents

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"Andy!" Andy's mom, Amy said as she hugged her dear son.

"Hey mom." He said as he hugged him back.

She said hello to the others then laid her eyes on me. "Hello, I don't think I know you." She said very politely.

"Mom, this is Jenny. Jenny this is my mom, Amy. She is on tour with us and she's became a good friend." Andy said.

"Come in." She said as she held the door open for all of us. We all walked into the living room to see a Andy's dad sitting on the couch, Chris.

"Hey." Chris said getting up and hugging his son then the others. "Hello, I'm Chris and you might be?" He said as he shook my hand.

"I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jenny, nice to meet you." I said.

"So, tell us how you guys meet Jenny." Amy came out from the kitchen holding drinks on a tray.

"Well, it's kind of complicated." I started.

"Jenny, do you want me to tell it?" Ashley asked as he placed his hands on my shoulder. I nodded. "We were playing in Hartford and after the performance I heard arguing just around the corner of the stage. I went to check it out and I saw a man and a girl having an argument. I walked over there to ask what was going on and then he hit her making her fall to the ground. She passed out and I told him to leave. He ran away and I took her to the bus. She staying with us until we go back to California, so she can figure out her situation as we travel." He finished.

"That's sad. You don't have anywhere to go, parents, siblings or close friends." Amy said.

"Well, I do but that's the thing." I mumbled.

"He's looking for her. We called the police but we haven't heard anything back." Andy said.

"Oh my." Amy said.

"Enough of this sadness. Since it's your first time being here, we need to show you Andy's baby pictures." Chris said.

"No, not that again." Andy whined.

"I love looking at your baby pictures." Juliet said. Amy got up and grabbed a book from a shelve. Then sat back down. She gestured me to sit next to her and I did. She started to flip threw the book showing me pictures and telling stories to each on.

After the pictures and the stories, Amy, Juliet and I went into the kitchen to prepare cooking while the guys, expect for Chris, went to get some food for the barbeque. Chris was outside setting up the grill.

"We should start peeling the potatoes." Amy said as she grabbed a big sack of potatoes and set them on the table.

She handed us peeling knives and we started peeling. I heard the front door open. The guys walked in the kitchen and set bags down. Then Andy sat at the table with us and started peeling too.

CC was putting the drinks into a cooler, Ashley went outside to help Chris, Jinxx  sat down at the table after he put the eggs in to boil.

Amy hands him her peeler and walked towards the meat. She started seasoning the chicken and hamburger meat. Ashley came in to grab the hotdogs.

"Jenny, why don't you invite Chris and the others." Juliet asked.

"Chris and the others?" Amy question as she turned back.

"They are others we meet on tour. They're a starting out band doing covers. Jenny meet them a day before she was suppose to go to warped and finding out they perform." Juliet said.

"That's wonderful. Why don't you invite them. Any friends of yours is a friend of mine. And plus, we can't eat all this food by ourselves. Amy said before she turned back and continued to season.

"Excuse me." I said before I walked out the kitchen and out the front door. I sat on the porch and dialed Chris number.

"Hey Jenny, what's up?" Chris asked.

"Oh, nothing much. Just at Andy's parents and having a bbq. Want to come over?" I asked.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." He said.

"Your not. Actually, Juliet asked if I wanted to ask you guys to come over and Amy agreed." I said.

"Okay, I'll be over in a bit." He said.

"I'll text you the address." I said before we hung up.

I walked into the house as I text him the address. I sat back in my seat. "What did he say?" Andy asked.

"Who?" Ashley said as he walked in with a plate of hotdogs.

"Chris and the others are coming." I said.

"Oh." He said as he set down the plate of hotdogs.

"These are seasoned but the chicken needs to sit for a bit." Amy said as she gave him a pan of made hamburgers.

He walked out then Chris texted me.

Chris: when you called we just got done with our set and we have to shower but be there in 20 or so.

"What happened?" Juliet said as she notice my deep concentration on my phone.

"Oh, Chris said he'll be her in about 20 minutes." I said and she nodded.

Amy came over and took the potatoes that now all peeled. She walked them and the made potato salad.

Ashely came back in to put the hamburgers on the counter. Then he took the chicken and took it outside with Andy following.

After all the food was done, we set up a table in the back yard and placed the food neatly on the counters in the kitchen.

Just then the doorbell rang and Amy and I walked to the door. She opened it, revelling Chris, Karson, Victoria, Connor and Eric.

"Hello, we brought some sweets if you don't mind." Chris shook her hand and Karson showing her the chocolate cake. "This is Karson, my brother, Eric, Connor, and Victoria." He introduced the others as each shook her and.

"Thanks for allowing us to be at your home." Karon said. Wait, what Karson said that? When we meet he didn't even speak.

"Your very welcome. Please, come in." She said. We walked into the kitchen, where the others were getting their food, and Karson set down the cake on the counter.

"Yes, cake!" CC said. Andy's dad introduced himself to the new guest and was surprised when he got to Chris.

"You got a fine name." Andy's dad joked. It's funny how we have a Christopher, Christian and a Chris all in one room.

We all got our food and sat at the table outside and talked about random thing up to baby stories.

We ate the cake, which was so delicious, then talked some more before we had to go. It was about 6:30 when we got back to the venue.

We help pack up the equipment since hand nothing else to do and wanted to help. When that was down, it was about 7:35. We all decided to out to drink again since we don't have to leave until 11 because it takes us 8 hours to travel to Toronto which gets us there at 8 in the morning.
We all got ready. 

AN:// Happy thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for having all these people enjoy my story, if you do. But whatever. Sorry, if you don't celebrate thanksgiving. But I'm still thankful for everyone. Have A Pawsome Day And Stay Awkward! ✌

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