Fun In The Sun

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I was in a deep sleep when I felt like someone was shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and see Nick face inches way from mine.

"Why are you so close to my face?" I mumbled. Nick flashed me a smile and leaned in closer for a kiss.

"Because it's time to wake up." He said with his face still close to mine.

"That doesn't mean you have to have your face so close to mine." I said quietly.

"Hurry up and get ready we have a big day planed for us." He said pulling me up.

"Fine." I said stretching, then walking to the bathroom. I took a quick shower.

I walked out in my towel and Nick pulled me to him. He was trying to take of my towel. I pushed him off of me. "Nick stop."

He walked out pissed. I put on a black shirt, skinny jeans, converse. I put on mascara and dark lipstick. I put my hair up in a bun. I put on some bracelets, eyelet plugs, and a choker.

I walked into Amber's room to see Nick sitting on the couch with Blaze and Amber. "Hey Jenny. So, what are you to doing today?" Amber said as she noticed me walk in.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Nick won't tell me."

"Well cause it's a surprise." Nick said getting up and walking to me.

He hugged me and whispered "Sorry" in my ear. I hugged him back.

"Let's get some breakfast before you guys leave us for the day." Blaze said.

"Actually you guys can come if you want." Nick said. "You have to pack swimsuits, towels, and other things you need. And we can bring a picnic basket."

Everyone got there stuff ready. Amber and I went to a store to buy food. Before we went to where ever we were going, we ate at McDonald's for breakfast.

The cab driver drove us to the place, Nick still wouldn't want to tell us where we were going. We drove for like 35 minutes until we arrived at a place called Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park.

When we got in, we walked over to the rent shack and rented 2 kayaks for 30 minuets and wakeboard set for the whole day. We went to the locker room to change and put our stuff away.

After we finished changing, we to the kayaks to the lake to try them out. "Let's race." Blaze said as he put the kayak in the lake.

"Yeah, but don't get butt hurt if we bet you guys." I say.

"Your on." Amber said.

Nick and I got in one kayak while Blaze and Amber got in the other one.

"Ready set go!" Nick said. We were off, paddling our way to the finish line.

I have to admit that I suck at kayaking. This is my first time do this.

Amber and Blaze were barely ahead of us but I don't think we were gonna catch up anytime soon.

"Nick we suck at this." I say as I struggle with paddling.

"You mean, you suck at this." Nick joked. I stop paddling and crossed my arms.

"Fine you do this then." I said. Nick shrugged in response and did all the paddling himself.

"And you said you were gonna win." Blaze called out.

Soon Nick caught up with them but they ended up winning.

"Haha, I should have bet money on this." Blaze said as we got out of the boat.

"Whatever." I said.

"Look who's the sore loser. I thought you the one who said don't get butt hurt but look at you." Nick joked. I playfully nudged him.

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