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We were on the bus telling bvb and Juliet what just happened and I can see anger in Ashley's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Juliet asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"If he comes back again, call me." Ashley said and I nodded.

"We have to go but we will take later okay?" Juliet said. Then her and Andy left for her set.

"When do you guys play?" I asked.

"6:30" Jake said.

"That leaves us an hour until we play." Jinxx continued.

"We should watch a movie." I said.

"Let me guess, a scary movie." Ashley said, knowing that I like horror movies.

"Duh, what else would we watch." I said. I got up and walked to the fridge and took out my small ice cream tub that I bought that day we had a pitstop and then sat next to Ashley, who was sitting next to Jake. CC was next to Jake and Jixx was sitting at that little table. Mike, Jaime and Vic was sitting in the other couch.

Ashley handed me the remote and I put on grave encounters. I glared at Ashley and CC. CC put his hands up in the air and Ashley just chuckled. Vic, Jaime and Mike looked confused.

I looked back at the tv and watched the movie as I ate. This time they didn't try anything durning the movie and Andy and Juliet came during the have of the movie.

Vic and the guys decided to watch bvb's set. We all got of the bus and started walking to the stage. Suddenly, someone picked me up and but me on their shoulders.

I looked and notice it was Mike. He was taller than me, a lot taller, but from up here I can see everything more clearly.

"I can see clearly no the rain is gone." I sang out loud, not knowing it.

"Huh?" They all said.

"Oh, did I saw that out loud?" I asked and the all nodded. "Damn it."

"Is that from the commercial?" Mike said and I nodded. "Why did you just sing it all if a sudden?" He wondered.

"Well, I was thing how I can see everything clearly from up here." I said and everyone laughed.

"Now, you're really on top of the world." Mike said making me and the rest of ptv laugh, since they were the only ones there for that little joke.

We finally made it to the stage. Andy turned to me and asked, "Do you want to sing with us again?"

"Uh, I don't know if you want me too." I said, flustered. I didn't think they would want me to sing with them again.

"Of course she will be singing, she need to have her voice heard." Juliet said, once more and I don't think it will be the last time.

"Then it's settled, you'll be sing the same song as last time." Andy said and then walked off to talk to some crew guy. He started hooking him up to the mic. Then a guy came up to me and started hooking up a mic and handed me a guitar.

"Wait, I'm playing too." I questioned.

"Can you play this song?" Andy asked me.

"Yeah but I just didn't-" I got cut off.

"Good, which part can you play?" He asked.

"Both but my bass is better." I said.

"Then your doing bass with Ashley, so stand next to Ashley for most of the time." He said then ran off again.

"Okay then." I said then walked over to Ashley. "I'll be doing bass with you." I said. Then this guy took the guitar out of my hand and gave me a bass.

"That's cool." He said, not really focused because he's checking his bass.

"We're doing Falling Angels first. So, Jenny, I'll give your cue to come on the stage." Andy said as the others ran in stage. I nodded and Andy ran off too.

"What the fuck is up, Toronto! Are you having a fucking amazing time?" Andy said and the crowd roared with excitement. "How many of you heard or saw the performance with a girl named Jenny?" He asked the crowd.

The crowd yelled out, "Yeah."

"Would you like to have her preform again?" Andy said and the crowd agreed, well most of the crowd anyways. You know there is haters everywhere.

"Good to hear since she'll be playing again. And for all those haters that said no, fuck you." He said. "Come on out Jenny." He said and I walked out.

CC started playing and everyone else joined along, including me since I'm playing too. We sang it the same way last time, well most of it. I was next to Ashley most if the time. We played together with our backs touching. I ran all around stage and hand fun with the others. I did all this while singing, keep in mind I wasn't has focused on my singing as much as last time since I am playing too but it still sounded good, according to the crowds reaction.

After we performed, it was about 7:15. We all got dressed out of those sweaty clothes. I just changed into jeans and a batman tank. We all went to eat dinner at a restaurant nearby, which includes ptv, bvb, Chris and the others and me, of course.

The place wasn't to fancy but it wasn't McDonald's either. It was like a Red Robin or a buffalo wild wing kind if place.

We spent a few hours there, taking and eating. We all went back to the venue. We were going to help the crew with the packing but they were already finished. Then they went out to get some food.

We all hung outside of bvb's bus. I felt cramping so I went inside while everyone stayed outside excepted for Victoria. We talked for a little inside.

Victoria isn't want I expected. She may have a bitch face but really she's is shy around new people just like Karson, which makes them perfect together. Of course they can talk yo people and all but they just feel nervous.

After a while they guys, and Juliet, came on and Victoria left because we were leaving.

Jinxx went into his bunk, Jake and CC went into the back lounge. I went to the bathroom as the others sat in the living room area.

When I was going to the bathroom, I notice that my period had started. Damn it, do we even have tampons in this bus.

I texted Juliet and she told me that she just ran out and I reminded her that she forgot to get some more.

Fuck. She texted that they are stopping right now because the are filling up the tank and there is a store near the gas station. And, she'll get some.

I asked her if she can get a pregnancy test too. I know that a missed period is a sign that your might be pregnant but can't be to sure. You know what I mean.

I was in the bathroom for a while so I decided to take a shower. Then I heard the door slide open, good thing the shower door is not clear.

"It's okay, it's just me." Juliet said. Then she left the room.

I got out the shower and notice that Juliet brought my clothes in as well. I got dressed and did the test. I waited for 3 minutes before I looked at it.

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