A Day With Amber And Blaze

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We were waiting in line for catering. We were behind ptv, who finally got to meet Amber and Blaze.

"You guys own a tattoo parlor. I'm going to check it out when warped tour is done." Mike said.

"You're welcome anytime." Blaze said.

"Did you know that Jenny can do fucking amazing tattoos?" Amber said. "She's one of the best tattoo artist there, even though she doesn't do as much as the others."

"Jenny, you never told us you can do tattoos. You can do mine one day." Jaime said, excitedly.

We got our food and sat down at a big table. We talked about my childhood this time (last time we talked about ptv's childhood) since I actually can tell them something that's not depressing.

We left the catering at 11:30. Pierce the Veil had a their meet and greet to do. So, we all walked around to watch Memphis May Fire's set, which is starting at 12 but we had to find the stage.

We finally found the stage after 20 minutes of looking. We got into the mosh pit and waited until it started.

Soon, they played My Generation. We sang like there was no tomorrow, danced our feet off and screamed at the top of our lungs, well they were anyway since I have to save my voice for the performance.

After the set, it was about 12:45. So, I had to the main stage with only Amber and Blaze since Chris's band is going to to a signing at their merch tent.

We were back stage of the and a crew member was helping me get set up. Soon, Andy came over to me to do a quick vocal warm up. Then, I was handed one of Ashley's basses.

We all ran off stage and started playing Fallen Angel. After the song ended, Andy wanted me to sing Wretched and Divine as well. I didn't know how to play that song so I gave the bass back to a crew member.

When that song was finished, I walked to the back stage were Amber and Blaze was watching. "Damn, Jenny, you're a professional at this. Why didn't you tell me you sang on stage with all these bands?" Amber said.

"I heard you sang with ptv, King For A Day." Blaze said and I nodded. "Damn, you're so fucking lucky. How did that happen?"

I explained to them how I ended up sing. "Hey." Andy said causing me to jump, not realising that they finished.

"Oh, hey." I said turning to them. I glanced at Ashley, who wasn't looking at me.

"I'm hungry." Blaze said randomly.

"Of course you are." I said. "I'm going to take them out to eat and I'll meet up with you guys later." I told to Andy.

I walked off with Amber and Blaze walking beside me. We walked out of the venue and walked to a nearby taco place. Amber glared at me. "Have you been eating tacos a lot?" She said.

"No, not really. Mostly catering." I replied. And, a lot of junk food from mini marts.

"I don't believe you." She said as she deepened her glare.

"It's true even ask the guys." I said, hoping they would back me up.

"Hmm." She uttered.

We walked into the taco place and got food to go. I called Andy to ask if they wanted any and they did. So we had a lot to order, which means a long wait.

Finally, they were done with the food and we went back to the bus. When we got on, we saw everyone was on the bus. Andy was talking to Juliet, Jinxx on his laptop Skyping, Ashley on his phone and CC and Jake are watching tv.

"Damn, that smells good." CC yelled and walked out to me, taking a bag away. I told the people at the taco place to put the names of each order.

He found the one with his name and sat down. Amber gave Andy and Juliet their food. Blaze gave Jinxx and Jake their food. I gave Ashely his and sat next to him.

Everyone stared at us expect for Amber and Blaze, of course, since they didn't know what's been going on here.

After that awkward short stare, they went back to what they were doing. Blaze started talking to CC and Amber started talking to Jake.

"So, are you just staying for the day?" Juliet asked.

"We were going to stay until Friday but we have to go back to work. So, we're going to drive down Bonner Springs to hang with Jenny a little more before we leave at 5:30." Amber said.

"Oh, so where are you staying?" Juliet asked.

"We were just going to find a cheap hotel since this is a last minute thing we didn't make reservations but there should be some rooms." Amber continued.

"Why not just stay on the bus so we can get to know each other better?" Juliet said.

"I don't want to cause you the trouble but thanks for offering." Amber said.

"No, just stay. It's not problem. We have extra room." Juliet said and I already knew how this was going to end.

About 20 minutes of them trying to convince each other. Amber finally gave in and said yes, which was surprising since she's so stubborn.

"So, how is Jenny's eating habits?" Amber asked.

"I know she eats a lot catering food but that's all I know. Ashley, what does she get when were at mini markets?" Andy said.

"She gets a lot of junk food." Ashley said, not looking up from his phone.

"Thanks a lot Ashley." I said, sarcastically.

"You lied to me, Jenny. I though you were trying to eat healthier." Amber said.

"No, you think I should eat healthier. Remember when you threw my tacos away and gave me your salad." I said causing Blaze to laugh.

"That was funny. You were all upset." Blaze said.

"Is Blaze your real name?" Jinxx asked Blaze.

"Yeah, it is. My father's band member's nickname was Blaze but he passed away and I got named after him." Blaze said.

"You dad was in a band." Jake said.

"Yeah, he wasn't all that famous but after Blaze died, the band broke up and he worked in the studio to help write songs for bands." Amber said.

My phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was Vic asking if I was going to sing with them. I said, "yeah, I'll be over in a bit."

"Vic?" Andy asked and I nodded.

"Are you going to stay here or do you want to come with me to ptv's bus?" I asked Amber and Blaze.

"Of course, I want to meet them again since last time it wasn't really a great meeting." Amber said.

We said goodbyes and then left the bus. We went over to Ptv's bus so I can warm up with Vic. After that, we went onstage and performed. Amber loved it and wouldn't shut up about how amazing it was.

After a couple of hours, it was now 6, of hanging out with Ptv we went back to the bus.

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