Shit Faced

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I walked out to see the girls waiting for me. We started walked until I ran into something and found myself falling. I looked down and fond that I didn't run into something but more like someone.

"Ashley! Oh, I am sorry." I said as I tried to get off of him but he pulled me back down, our lips inches apart.

"Leaving so soon. I was just getting use to your warm body on me." He said.

"Uh- I have to go." I got out of his grip and quickly got up, walking way with the girls following me.

As soon as we get distance way, I could hear the girls say "ooh". I tried to ignore them but I finally turned around. "What was that? You didn't tell me you guys are a thing." Kelly said.

"I would like to know what happened between you two." Victoria said, with a big grin.

"Nothing happened between us." I said, yet my face began to grow red. That gave me an intimidating look. "Okay, okay. There was this time he told be out on a date." I said as I made air quotes when I said date.

"What was this date like? Fancy? Any presents?" Victoria said.

"Well, it was quite fancy and he gave me this." I said as I held out my necklace he gave me.

"Ooh, I see the start of something beautiful." Kelly said.

"That's what Amber said too but, to be honest, I don't see it happening." I said.

"Whatever you say, Jenny." Victoria said.

We decided to walk the mall in town. We walked into hot topic, because why not.

We ended up doing a lot of shopping then we went to the food court. After we ate we walked back to the venue and it was about 5:30.

"Oh shit, we forgot to watch the guys play." Kelly said.

"Damn, we were so into shopping." I said.

"Oh well." Victoria said. "We can still watch AA play."

"I am going to text the guys and tell them to meet us at the stage AA is playing at." Kelly said.

We dropped our stuff off before we went to the stage. I walked back stage with the girls to see that they guys were already here.

"Hello Jenny." Ben said.

"Hey." I said.

"We heard that your friend here is going to be leaving soon, so we can have to get shit face tonight." James yelled happily, causing me to laugh.

"Of course, James." I said. Then it was time for them to go on the stage, so they ran on stage.

They began to play Breathless, one of my favorite songs. After the finished their set it was about 6:10. Black Veil Brides set was about to start so we decided to go over to their set.

They we got there, they were about to play, so we stayed in in the very back of the crowd. Asking Alexandria went back to their bus to shower. Later, like about 9:30, we are going to all go out. Victoria and Kelly said they wanted to help me get ready.

It was 7, when bvb finished their performance. We all went to catering because Connor complained about dying of hunger. We all ate food then walked back to the buses. The guys went to their van to get dressed and me and the girls went in my bus. We walked in to see that everyone is here except for Andy and Juliet.

"Hey, Jen, Did you have a good time?" Jake asked. "Oh, you brought some friends." He noticed Victoria and Kelly behind me.

"Yeah, actually I am going out with then, the guys and AA, and they want to help me get ready." I said. "Do you guys want to come along?

"Sure, we are we you guys going?" Ashley said.

"9:30." Victoria said, quietly and there was a small blush place upon her cheeks.

"Damn, really, then I need to get ready?" Then Ashely walked into the bunks. Seconds later, he came out with clothes and ran into the bathroom.

The girls and I walked into the buck area and I locked the door. Kelly got the bags out that I got from shopping. Victoria picked out this short tight skirt, she insisted I get it. Kelly got this crop top and a leather vest. I put on black tunnel plugs with silver in the inside, a black belly ring with dark angel wings, a black choker. Victoria did my makeup, thick black eye shadow and dark red lipstick. I put on heel and put my money and phone in the pocket of my vest, a zipped up pocket.

They got ready then we walked out of the bunks. AA, the guys, bvb and Juliet was there waiting for us. "Damn! Jenny, you look sexy as fuck." Chris said.

"Thanks." I said. Victoria and Kelly was getting complemented by their boyfriends. "Should we get going?" I asked.

Everyone agreed. We got of the bus and started walking to a club near by. I was walking in the back. "You look- you're fit." Cameron said.

"Thanks." I said. We walked into the club.

"Do you want a drink?" Cameron said.

"Sure, I'll have a dirty martini." I said. He nodded then walked to the bar. I sat with the others except Ashley, who was already trying to get in a random girls pants, in a big booth.

Cameron came to the booth and handed me a drink. He has a beer. Chris orders everyone a drink.

I practically chug down the drink because it was so good. Damn, I miss drinks like this back home with my friends.

Chris comes backs with a beer and shots for everyone.

We all took a shot. Then I felt a buzz coming on but I like it
"Eric want to dance." I asked. He shrugged then I dragged him to the dance floor. I was all into the music, even though I wasn't very fond of the song that was playing. I couldn't stop myself from grinding all over him.

Then he just disappeared and I turn around to see someone else in his spot.

AN:// Sorry for misspellings and grammar mistakes and sorry for not updating often. I have been busy because I am moving and all this school work as well. I hope you enjoy it though. Have A Pawsome Day And Stay Awkward! ✌❤ Bye!!!

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