The Meetings

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I got greeted by a girl with short black hair. "Welcome to Fearless Records, Jennifer. I'll show you the room where the meeting will be in." She said and walked forward into a elevator.

We walked out and she showed me a room. "Here's the room and someone will be with you in a minute." She said then shut the door.

There was food on a table and I grabbed a water bottle, a sparkling water bottle to be exact. Then the door opened revealing a man with brown hair. "Help yourself to anything on that table." He said as he sat down. I sat down across from him.

"I'm fine with just a water." I said.

"That's a first usually the guys would be all into the food." He said. "But anyways, I'm Adrian and I saw you preforming with Pierce the Veil at warped tour. I enjoyed it very much and that's when I told myself that we need a girl like you in our label." Adrian finished.

"I appreciate your kindness." I said.

"We've also heard that you have a meeting with Universal Republic Records later today. So, I'm going to take a chance on you and say about $100 million for 6 albums." He said.

"That's- That's- hmm" I stammered.

"Do you wish for more?" He asked.

"No, it's more than enough but I'm going to have to look through the contract with my manger and I still have Universal Republic to think about." I said.

"Don't think about it too long." He joked, well I think he did.

"I'll call you tomorrow to talk over it." I said.

"Of course." He said and we boh got up to shake hands. Then he lead me out of the building and walked me to my car. "I hope to see you with this company." He said and walked back into the building.

I got into my car and looked at the time. It read 2:30 so I drove to Amber's shop to tell her the news.

I open the doors to the shop and saw Lydia behind the counter. "Hey didn't I tell you not to go over to Nick's house." She said noticing my car parking in front.

"I only go my car. I didn't set foot in the house." I said as I walked to the fridge and grabbed a monster.

"What are you doing her anyways?" She asked.

"Well, I have some news to tell you guys." I said leaning against the counter.

"Tell me." She said "The others are doing tattoos."

I told her about the meeting and showed her the contract. "Damn, this is really good. So when is your other meeting?" She asked.

"At 4." I said.

"Hey Jenny! What are you doing here?" Blaze said as he walked out of the back room.

"Just passing time until my next meeting." I said walking over to the couch to sit down.

"Meeting? For what?" He asked as he plopped himself on the couch. Then a guy from the back came walking out and walked to the counter. 

"Record deals." I said before I took a sip of the monster.

"Cool. So, I take it you're not working here anymore?" He said with a hint of sadness.

"I would like to work when I'm not busy. If you'll let me?" I said.

"Of course, you're always welcome a job here and plus people have been asking for you to do their tattoos." He said.

"Really?" I said. "That's cool. Tell them I'd love too." I finished.

I spent an hour there talking before I left to the meeting. It took me 25 minutes to get there. I walked in and once more being greeted but this time it was a guy with brown hair.

"You must be Jenny. I've heard so much about you. I'll be glad to work with you. I'm Josh and I'll be the one you'll have the meeting with. Follow me this way." He said and walked into a room on the first floor.

"So let's get down to business. You were on tour with Black Veil Brides, who are signed here as well, and you did a fantastic job singing with them. You'll be a great asset to this company. I would sign you at 300 million for 7 albums." He said and my words got grumbled up in my brain.

We went over the contract before I told him I'll talk over with my manger and left. I drove to Amber's parent's house to talk it over with Jim.

We went over the contract and explained more detailed about what they were asking for. "So, who are you going to pick?" He said looking at me with intense eyes.

"I don't know. I would love to do both." I paused for a second. "What if I do both? One place can be for a solo career and the other can be for a band." I said, excitedly.

"I've never heard of a just starting artist doing a solo career and a band but that can work. You just have to work twice as hard." He said. "Let me call them and set up a meeting together." He said as he walked into his office.

I turned on the TV and watch a random, waiting for Jim. After a hour passed, he came out with a big grin on his face.

"We talked it over, all three of us, and they thought it was a great idea. We'll talk about it more over coffee tomorrow at 10:30." Jim said.

"Okay, I'll be there. Text me where we will meeting up at. I'm gonna go home and get some rest." I said before I hugged him and walked out if the house. 

I drove home, my new home, and it was about 7:35. I walked in and smelt hamburgers. I walked into the living room and saw Blaze and Amber was here.

"So, what happened?" Amber asked. I explained it all over eating dinner. Then after we walked a movie before Amber and Blaze left.

I took a nice relaxing bath before I when to sleep. But, of course, I washed myself off before taking a bath or I would have just been soaking in my own filth.

AN:// I just post chapter after chapter today but I wasn't realy doing anything. So, why not. I hope you like it. It might be boring for a bit but hang on. I have plans and the will blow your mind, hopefully. Have A Pawsome day And Stay Awkward!!! ✌❤

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