Where Is She?

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I woke up by my alarm clock on my phone. I got out of bed and went to take a shower seeing how it would be a while since I will use a real shower like this. I was in there for a while just thinking about Nick. I want him to get better. He was doing so well before the whole warped tour. There was a knock on the door. I rushed out the shower and warped a towel around me. Then I ran to the door. I looked threw the peephole and saw CC.

"Who is it?" I called out even though I know who it is.

"It's me CC. I wanted to tell you we're leaving in a bit." He yelled back.

"Let me get dress. I'll be right out." I said.

"Okay." He said then I heard footsteps walk into the distance.

I quickly put on black Unif tank, ripped skinny jeans, and vans. I dried my hair with the hair dryer in the bathroom. I put on my hair belly ring, chocker, black gauges, and the necklace Ashley gave me last night. I put on black eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, and red lipstick. I left my wavy red hair down. I packed all my stuff. Then went out seeing everyone waiting outside for me.

"About time." Ashley said. "I think you take longer than me to get ready." He joked.

"Leave her alone it wasn't even that long." Juliet said. He ignored her and then he put his arm on my shoulder. We all stepped into the elevator.

"So, what I saw last night was true." CC said. I looked at him in shock and then I pushed Ashley arm of me. I didn't want them to think I was sleeping with him but then I wouldn't mine. What am I thinking? CC laughed at how panicked I was. "I was just playing around." I felt my cheeks burn up as the elevator door opened slowly.

"Let's get going. The bus is waiting for us." Andy said. We all walked out the hotel and went into the bus.

The bus drove us to the venue, which wasn't that far. I was sitting in the back room texting Amber. When there was a knock on the door. The door opened a little and CC's head peaked throw the crack. "So, we're going to look around then go to a signing. Do you want to come?" He said.

"Thanks but I think I'm going to stay here." I said. He nodded and walked out.

I heard the door shut and then there was a vibration in my hand. I looks down at my phone and notice I got a text from Chris. I opened it.

Chris: Hey are you okay?

I decided to call him. It rang a few times then he picked up.

"Jen, are you okay? Blaze said that you were staying with BVB." He said.

I nodded, forgetting we were on the phone. "Uh, yeah I'm fine. I'm just on the bus by myself." I replied.

"That's good to hear your feeling okay. Do you want to watch our set? It's at 12 at the Journeys Right Foot stage."

"Sure, I'll go." I looked at my phone and it read 11:30. "I'm going to start walking now."

"How about we both walk there? I'm walking there already. I'll stop by bvb bus and get you."

"Okay, bye." I said before I hung up. I got my phone and camera, then put it in my bag and got off the bus. I heard my name being called in the distance. I see Chris and the others waving at me. I run over to them.

"Hey Jenny! So, your riding on bvb's bus. Your lucky. If I were you I would totally jump Jake's bone." Kelly said.

"Babe, what about me?" Conner said with a fake sad face.

"Baby, this is Jake from bvb we're talking about. I would totally do him or Andy or CC or-" She got cut off by Conner.

"So, basically everyone." He said.

"Babe, I love you so much but you would do the same if you had chance to get with Hayley Williams or Ashley Costello." He nodded in agreement.

We all laughed. We were at the stage. Victoria, Kelly, and I were back stage while the guys set up. There were kids already waiting for them to play. I wish I was up there performing. They started to play their setlist.

Ashley's POV

The guys and I were getting ready to do a signing. I didn't want to leave Jenny on the bus. It was noon and we had 5 minutes until we had to start. I turn to the guys. "Hey I'm going to get Jenny. I'll be back before we start." I said before I walked off.

I was at the parking lot and I walked into the bus. She wasn't in the front so I checked her bunk. She wasn't there. I walked into the back. She was not on the bus. Where did she go? Did Nick take her? No, impossible but where is she? I don't have her phone number, so I can't call her.

I walked back to the booth. "Where's Jenny?" Juliet asked.

"I don't know. She wasn't on the bus." I said. "I don't have her number to contact her either."

"She probably went to grab a bite or something. She'll be fine. We can look for her after the signing if she's still not back." Andy said. There was fans walking up to us asking for autographs and pictures. I sighed and started signed autographs.

After the signing, we all walked around to find Jenny.

Jenny's P.O.V

Chris and the boys set was over about a hour and a half ago, so we were all walking around. They didn't take a shower yet so they kind of stunk. We stopped at to get some snacks because I haven't ate.

We were walking over to where Pierce The Veil was going to perform. It was almost 2 and their set started in about 15 minutes. I kind of don't want to stand in the back but I guess I'm going to.

We finally arrived at the stage. My phone started playing Tears Don't Fall by Bullet For My Valentine as my ring tone. I answered it.

"Hey, it's me Vic."

"Oh, hey Vic. What's up? Aren't you about to play?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you in the crowd? If you are you can come back stage." He said.

"Yeah, is it okay if I bring a few of my friends."

"Yeah of cour-" Vic got interrupted by the sound of Mike's voice. "Hurry the fuck up Jenny and get up here."

"Okay, I'll be right up. Bye." I said, then hung up the phone.

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