What Are You Doing Here?

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~Ashley's P.O.V~


Andy and the guys pushed me into the back room and pushed me on the couch. They started at me with intense eyes like they were trying to make me spill my secrets.

"So, is our Ashley falling in love?" CC said as he sat next to me and put his arm over my shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"You and Jenny." Jake said.

"Did you really go for a walk?" Jinxx joked.

"Yeah, we did." I said.

"What did you do on this walk? Hum." CC wondered.

"What are you guys trying to get me to confess? If i slept with her again because I didn't." I said, bluntly.

"Are you waiting for the wedding? Awe, so sweet." CC joked. I got up and walked out of the door and into the front lounge.

"Ooh, look who it is Jenny?" Victoria sang. Jenny looked concentrated on the movie, looks like Scream. I sat on the other couch and watched it too.

Soon, the guys came back into the front. CC sat next to Jenny, Jake sat next to me on the right, Andy said on the left of me and Jinxx sat at the table.

Everyone except for Jenny, who was to into the movie to notice, was whispering and was talking with their eyes. Why are they acting like this all of a sudden? When Jenny and I was flirting for fun, nobody seemed to care but since I asked her to go for a walk everything changes dramatically.

Yeah, I like her but damn give me some space to work my magic. I still don't know if she feels the same way about me and the way they are acting will give her signs that tell her I like her.

What if she doesn't and she never wants to talk to me again? Impossible, most girls with kill to meet me but she isn't most girls. She'll kill to perform but not so much to meet one of her idols, meeting her idols is just a bonus. Damn, she's amazing.
"Night guys, I feel like going to bed." I heard Jenny say, snapping me out of my mental argument.

"Same, I'm pretty tired." I said as I got up and everyone looks at me smirking.

I walk into the bunk, closing the door behind me, to see that Jenny just finished changing. "Night Ashley." Jenny said before she was about to go to into her bunk.

I pulled her into a hug and said, "good night, Jenny." I pulled apart to she her face with a slight blush but she seemed confused.

I couldn't resist it, I gently pulled her face to mine and kissed her. Thankfully, she kissed back but after she knew what happened. I slowly pulled apart to see her blush grow deeper.  "Goodnight." She mumbled as she pulled a strand of hair and pushed it behind her ear. Then she crawled up into her bunk.

I let out a deep sigh and went into mine. I changed in there, which was difficult. I tried to sleep but I can't. I can't go to sleep after I kissed Jenny. I still don't know if she feels the same way. What if she didn't and I just made the rest of this trip awkward for her? But she kissed back so that must be a good sign. Look what she's doing to me. I can't like straight.

Soon after I was done thinking about Jenny, I fell asleep just to dream about her.

~ Jenny's P.O.V ~

Next day

I woke up to a call from Amber. "What do you want is only-" I stopped to check the time.

"Jenny, it's almost 10. I called to tell you to get up and walk into the living room." Amber said.

"Why?" I whined.

"I sent a present to you. Hurry up and get up. I want to know if you like it before I go to work." Amber begged.

I jumped out of bed and walked out of the bunks. "No fucking way! What are you doing here?" I said to the Amber and Blaze standing right in front of me.

"We wanted to see you since you haven't been calling lately." Amber said.

"You promised to text everyday but you lied." Blaze pouted, jokingly.

"I'm sorry. I've been busy." I said as I glaced at Andy and CC, who was on the couch. The others aren't here so I'm guessing they went to eat breakfast or they're still sleeping.

"So, you hang out with rockstars and you think your better than us." Blaze joked once more.

"I am, duh." I joked as I did a hair flip.

We all laughed then got into a big group hug. We pulled apart and I saw Juliet standing in the bunk doorway, fully dressed.

"You must be Amber and Blaze, Jenny's friend. Nice to meet you." Juliet said as she walked up to them and shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you too." Amber said.

"Jenny, are you going to sing with us for our set." Andy asked me.

"Sure, when is it?" I questioned.

"At 1:25 today." He said.

"Okay, I'll be there. Amber I'm going to get dressed." I said then walked into to buck to get my clothes and makeup then I went into the bathroom.

I put on a Ouija board shirt, ripped black long shorts and dark purple boots. I put in Ouija plugs, Ouija ring, black belly ring, a choker and the necklace Ashley gave me. I did my make up and straightened my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bunk to put my clothes away. I got my phone then walked into the front lounge.

"Jenny, let's go see Chris and the others." Amber said.

I nodded and said goodbye to the others then walked out of the bus. We walked to the small van. I nodded on the door as Blaze and Amber hid.

"What's up?" Chris said as he opened the door.

"Have you talked to Amber and Blaze lately?" I asked.

"No, why?" He questioned.

"Awe, well they said that they miss you guys." I said.

"Man, now I feel bad for not keeping in touch. It's just that we-" He got cut off when he saw Amber and Blaze walk to him.

"I'm so mad at you. I though you said you would stay in touch." Amber said.

"Yeah man, I thought we were friends." Blaze added on.

"Damn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" He got cut off by Amber, Blaze and my laughter. "You were shitting with me, huh?" Chris asked.

I nodded as we continued to laugh. He's so gullible.

"Amber?" Victoria questioned as she peeked out of the door. "Why are you here? Am I dreaming still?"

"Haha, no I'm real. It's good to see you again." Amber said.

We all got caught up then went to breakfast.

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