𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

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Draco had woken up to a tickling feeling, something was tickling his cheek and he couldn't figure out what it was. He drowsily opened his eyes and noticed that there was a brunette with wild curly hair sound asleep in his arms.

He paled, well if that was even possible with his features. Let me rephrase that, he felt the blood drain from his face. In his arms was no other than the haughty Granger herself.

He couldn't remember how they ended up in the same bed. Sure, he teased her a little because that's what he always did, he hadn't anticipated that they'd sleep together?

Or did they?

He lifted the blanket and discovered that they were both fully dressed, although his shirt was completely unbuttoned now and her warm cheek was pressed against his bare chest.

Now this was going to be fun, he couldn't wait to tell his friends.

He carefully picked his muggle phone from the nightstand next to him. He barely ever used the thing, but it was easy to keep in contact with some of his muggle business associates. Aside from his business contacts he had two other people in there, his best friends Blaise and Theo.

He carefully positioned his phone and took a picture of himself with the sleeping form of Granger on top of him. Selecting both of his friends' contacts, he sent it to them. Within a minute his phone started ringing, Blaise's name flashed across the screen.

'Shit!' muttered Draco as he quickly turned off his phone. Granger stirred a little, so he quickly threw the phone back on to the nightstand and pretended to be asleep.

Why he was doing this, only Merlin knew. I guess he felt the need to improvise.

Granger started to wake up, she stretched her legs like a cat before curling up to him again, pressing her face against his bare chest. He stared at her in bewilderment, he guessed she was still half asleep..

Then she froze.

She slowly traced her fingers upwards on his stomach, finally resting on one of his prominent pectorals. Draco curiously followed her fingers on his chest, what was she doing?

As if his skin physically burned her, she jolted upwards and stared at him in horror. Her brown doe eyes were wide open and her hair was a tousled mess on top of her head. Somewhere along the way she had probably lost the elastic band that had kept her hair neatly in a bun.

'Morning.' said Draco with a nonchalant gesture of his hand.

She pointed her finger at him.

'You... I.. what?' she managed to say. She was clearly confused and it made the whole situation even funnier.

'We slept together.' teased Draco. 'You don't remember?'

Her shocked expression suddenly turned into a panicked one, and her cheeks flushed crimson.

'N-no we, we couldn't possibly...' she said as she was shaking her head in disbelief.

Draco watched her with amusement, placing both of his hands behind his head as he rested against the headboard of the bed. He obviously did that on purpose, as his shirt now completely fell open, revealing his toned muscles.

'What's so hard to believe?' he smirked as he flexed his biceps, Granger gave him a dirty look, something that he enjoyed even more. He wasn't scrawny anymore, he trained three times a week and he knew he had a killer body.

Suddenly Granger grabbed her knees and curled up into a ball. She started slowly rocking back and forth, and Draco frowned. What was she doing now?

'I.. I can't believe it.' she said more to herself than to anyone else. 'How could I..How could I betray.. Ron he...' she trailed off.

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